Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper]
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Прегледај Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper] по Аутор "Blagojević, Jovana"
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Опције сортирања
- СтавкаCONSIDERATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF USING OZONE IN THE TREATMENT OF DRINKING WATER IN THE "TILAVA" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, 2021) Blagojević, Jovana; Orašanin, Goran; Simić, StojanIn Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the countries in the region, chlorine and its compounds are mainly used as a disinfectant in the process of purifying drinking water. It is a well-known fact that the reaction of chlorine and organic matter in water creates carcinogenic compounds, trihalomethanes, which can negatively affect the health of the population if they are consumed for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to look for an alternative for chlorine. This paper discusses the possibility of using ozone in the treatment of drinking water in the "Tilava" water supply system.
- СтавкаCONSIDERATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF USING OZONE IN THE TREATMENT OF DRINKING WATER IN THE "TILAVA" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM(Springer Natur, 2021) Blagojević, Jovana; Orašanin, Goran; Simić, Stojan; Karabegović, Isak; Kovačević, Ahmed; Pašić, Sead; Mandžuka, SadkoIn Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the countries in the region, chlorine and its compounds are mainly used as a disinfectant in the process of purifying drinking water. It is a well-known fact that the reaction of chlorine and organic matter in water creates carcinogenic compounds, trihalomethanes, which can negatively affect the health of the population if they are consumed for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to look for an alternative for chlorine. This paper discusses the possibility of using ozone in the treatment of drinking water in the "Tilava" water supply system.
- СтавкаUTICAJ TOPLOTNE IZOLACIJE NA SMANJENJE GUBITAKA ENERGIJE U INDUSTRIJSKIM I ENERGETSKIM POSTROJENJIMA(Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), Društvo za procesnu tehniku, 2017) Simić, Stojan; Orašanin, Goran; Golubović, Dušan; Blagojević, Jovana; Milić, DavorSmanjenje potrošnje toplotne energije postiže se primenom odgovarajućih tehničkih rešenja. U cilju smanjenja gubitaka toplote u industriji i energetici primenjuje se toplotna izolacija opreme i instalacija. Pri projektovanju od posebnog značaja je izbor adekvatnog izolacionog materijala i debljine izolacije. Pored osnovnog zadatka koji se odnosi na smanjenje gubitaka toplote izolacijom se postižu i drugi efekti, kao što su: zvučna izolacija, protivpožarna zaštita materijala i zaštita pogonskih radnika od opekotina. U radu su prezentovane osnovne tehničke karakteristike i značaj toplotne izolacije. Na konkretnom primeru je izvršeno praćenja uticaja toplotne izolacije na smanjenje gubitaka toplote