Машински факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Scientific papers]
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Прегледај Машински факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Scientific papers] по Аутор "Batinić, Krsto"
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- СтавкаApplication of Multi Criteria Decision Making for the Selection of Optimal Solid Wood Fuel Supply(Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, 2018) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Batinić, Krsto; Halilović, Velid; Medaković, Vlado; Musić, JusufProduction of solid fuels from wooden biomass is defined with appropriate energy chain of supply. The notion of energy chain concept has been defined as the trajectory of energy transformations from the fuel source or energy sources to useful energy form to end users. Supply chain for production solid fuels from wooden biomass is also energy chain with high importance in biomass energy planning. In this paper, base for testing and research is developed mathematical model in previous published paper with preliminary note titled as “Multi-Criteria Optimization Concept for the Selection of Optimal Solid Fuels Supply Chain from Wooden Biomass“ at Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. Three supply chains have been included in comparison: production of wood chips at the terminal – variant 1, production of pellet – variant 2 and production of wood chips by means of a mobile chipper in a forest – variant 3. The VIKOR methodology is used for total ranking all mentioned chains. Real input data have been used for mathematical calculation correspond to Bosnia and Herzegovina conditions.
- СтавкаConsideration of Opportunities for the Optimization of Heat Energy Consumption in Industry and Energetics(Springer, 2020) Simić, Stojan; Orašanin, Goran; Golubović, Dušan; Milić, Davor; Batinić, KrstoOne of the priorities of modern industrial production is the optimization of heat energy consumption. The use of different technical solutions can reduce the heat energy consumption in industry and energetics. The paper considers how the optimization of heat energy consumption is influenced by the following technical solutions: increasing the efficiency of the boiler, returning the condensate to steam boilers and using the evaporator, setting the process parameters of combustion in industrial furnaces, heat insulation of the reservoirs, vessels and installations, application of heat pumps and the use of renewable energy sources and waste materials. Each of the considered technical solutions leads to a reduction in the consumption of heat energy and emissions of waste gases into the atmosphere
- СтавкаDesign of Pico Hydropower Plants for Rural Electrification(Springer, 2019) Batinić, Krsto; Golubović, Dušan; Simić, Stojan; Orašanin, GoranPico hydro power stations include all hydropower systems with output of up to 5 kW. These systems have proven themselves to provide a reliable source of electricity for rural areas. Apart from rural area electrification, pico hydro power stations are convenient for utilizing the hydropower potential of water supply systems. This paper shows the calculation procedure and the selection criteria for basic components of a pico hydropower station based on a Pelton turbine. The paper provides an example of calculation procedure as well as the possibility of using them in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- СтавкаPREVRELI OSTATAK IZ BIOGASNIH POSTROJENJA– VISOKOKVALITETNO ĐUBRIVO(Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2023-08-02) Simić, Stojan; Milić, Davor; Orašanin, Goran; Vasković, Srđan; Blagojević, Jovana; Batinić, KrstoU biogasnim postrojenjima procesom anaerobne digestije se dobija biogas i prevreli ostatak – digestat. Biogas se koristi za proizvodnju toplotne i električne energije, a digestat je našao prime nu u poljoprivredi. Digestat predstavlja visokokvalitetno organsko đubrivo koje se koristi za oboga ćivanje poljoprivrednog zemljišta. U radu su prezentovane osnovne karakteristike i prednosti digstata dobijenog u biogasnim postrojenjima u odnosu na stajnjak i veštačka đubriva.
- СтавкаREVIEW OF TECHNIQUES FOR LANDFILL LEACHATE TREATMENT(University POLITEHNICA Timisoara, 2020-02) Smailagić, Adnan; Simić, Stojan; Golubović, Dušan; Orašanin, Goran; Milić, Davor; Batinić, KrstoOne of the basic problems of waste management, which is in practice encountered in landfills, is the collection and treatment of wastewater. Their production, and therefore quantity, depends on the age of the landfill, types of waste, climatic conditions, etc. These wastewater must not be discharged directly into the environment without prior collection and adequate treating. Water from solid waste, as well as water infiltrated into the landfill, forms a medium in which all soluble matter is dissolved and which causes the movement of unreacted material towards the bottom of the landfill. These waters are known as leachate water. The paper presents the production and composition of leachate landfills, and reviewed the technologies that are most often applied for their treatment. It can be concluded that leachate water due to its complex composition poses environmental risks and must be managed in an environmentally friendly manner.