Прегледај по Аутор "Gojković, Vesna"
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- СтавкаColor change of orange and carrot juice blend treated by non-thermal atmospheric plasma(Wiley, 2017) Vukić, Milan; Vujadinović, Dragan; Ivanović, Marko; Gojković, Vesna; Grujić, RadoslavDielectric barrier discharge (DBD) atmospheric plasma treatment is an innovative non-thermal food processing technology. There is an abundant body of research on the effectiveness in inactivation of foodborne pathogens on fresh fruit and vegetable produce with atmospheric air DBD plasma. However, studies that disclose plasma interactions with fruit or vegetable juices are scarce in number to the knowledge of the author. Color changes of orange and carrot juice blend due to atmospheric air DBD plasma treatment have been examined to estimate the extent of juice changes after treatments at varying durations of 5 s,15 s, and 30 s. Results indicate potentiality of cloud loss reduction, while treatments can cause minor degradation of color attributes. However, browning of treated samples was not observed. The influence of this new non-thermal treatment on measured properties of orange and carrot juice blend shows promising results which need to be further confirmed and established.
- СтавкаRisk analysis for the presence of sodium and phosphates salts in the model systems of organic cooked sausage(KEY, 2016) Vujadinović, Dragan; Gojković, Vesna; Vukić, Milan; Tomović, VladimirOrganic cooked sausages are a complex dispersion system in which inorganic phosphate salts are completely replaced by natural ingredients, while the presence of sodium salt is reduced to an acceptably low value. Therefore, the main objective of this paper was to analyze the risks to the presence of sodium and phosphate salts in model systems of organic cooked sausages in which they are reduced or replaced entirely by using natural ingredients. Organic cooked sausage models have been developed in which the phosphate salts are replaced by a natural fiber, proteins and polysaccharides, while the presence of salt is reduced with KCl. Thus developed models were analyzed for the presence of sodium, Cl and phosphorus in the form of P2O5. Based on the results of chemical analysis was performed risk analysis for the presence of these salts in the tested models. The sodium content was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), chloride by Vollhard method and phosphorus by spectrophotometry. A risk analysis was performed according to Health Safety Environment - HSE standard method. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were separated by a T - Tukey multiple range test at (p ≤ 0.05); (p ≤ 0.01) and (p ≤ 0.001) significance level. It was found that the total sodium content significantly decreases (p≤0,01), and ranges from 0,74 ± 0,03% (M0) to 0,23 ± 0,01% (M12). In that way, the presence of sodium salt can be reduced by 40%, which leads to a decrease the risk to consumers’ health. The average phosphorus content ranged from 0,046 ± 0,003% to 0,097 ± 0,002%. The risk analysis showed that the probability of occurrence of such salts in these models can be characterized as possible to rare while the hazard seriousness was between minor to moderate.
- СтавкаTHE INFLUENCE OF EXTRACTION CONDITIONS AND CHROMATOGRAPHIC SEPARATION ON THE ABILITY OF IDENTIFYING GLIADINS FROM THE WHEAT FLOUR(Consulting and Training Centre, KEY, 2019) Gojković, Vesna; Marjanović-Balaban, Željka; Grujić, Radoslav; Vujadinović, Dragan; Vukić, MilanCereal proteins play an important role in the humans’ and animals’ diet, due to their nutritional composition and functional properties in food production. One of these proteins is gluten. It contains protein components that are present as monomers and interconnected by disulfide bonding polymers. Based on their solubility in an aqueous alcohol, gluten proteins are divided into soluble gliadins and insoluble glutenins. Apart from the beneficial nutritional composition and importance in food production, gluten also causes adverse health effects in susceptible individuals, such as celiac disease. In this paper, gliadin proteins have been analyzed in wheat flour by high-pressure liquid chromatography of reversed phases (RP-HPLC). The influence of different concentrations of ethanol (30%, 40% and 50%) and column temperature (40 C, 45 C and 50 C) was investigated to achieve better chromatographic separation and identification of gliadin proteins. The chromatographic separation of gliadin proteins was carried out on the column Zorbax 300 SB-C3 (Agilent) and the Agilent Technologies 1260 Infinity HPLC apparatus has been used. After extraction gliadin proteins with 30% (v/v) ethanol, the number of identified proteins was 20, after extraction with 40% (v/v) ethanol was 21 and with 50% (v/v) ethanol was 24, at a temperature of 40 C. By increasing the column temperature (45 oC and 50 oC), the number of identified proteins after extraction with 30% ethanol was 17 and 20, after extraction with 40% ethanol was 25 and 24, and after extraction with 50% ethanol was 26 and 24. Based on the obtained results, the largest number of gliadin proteins was identified by extraction with 50% ethanol and at a column temperature of 45 C. By increasing the column temperature to 50 oC, the number of identified proteins decreases.