Пољопривредни факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Agriculture [Scientific papers]
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- СтавкаPartial root drying: New approach for potato irrigation(Cereal Research Non-Profit Company, Hungary, 2009) Broćić, Zoran; Jovanović, Zorica; Stikić, Radmila; Vucelić Radović, Biljana; Mojević, MirjanaDrought is one of the most common environmental stresses that may limit agricultural production worldwide. To overcome the drought problems efficiently, an innovative sustainable irrigation technique called Partial Root Drying (PRD) was proposed. PRD is an irrigation technique where half of the root zone is irrigated while the other half is allowed to dry out. The treatment is then reversed, allowing the previously well-watered side of the root system to dry down while fully irrigating the previously dry side. The PRD benefit is in the terms of improved water-use efficiency (IWUE). The aim of presented work was to compare the effects of PRD with full irrigation (FI) on yield of field-grown potato, and to test for effects of PRD on IWUE, tuber yield and quality. The experiments were conducted during 2007 and 2008 seasons. In PRD treatment in 2007 season 70% of the irrigation water in FI was applied to one half of the root system, although in 2008 season PRD was applied dynamically (by replacing 70% PRD with 50% PRD in last two weeks). Irrigation scheduling was based on evapotranspiration and soil water data (measured by TDR). Experimental results for both seasons confirmed that with PRD irrigation it is possible to increase IWUE, save water for irrigation and increase quality of potato tuber (starch content).
- СтавкаWeight and egg quality correlation relationship on different age laying hens(WFL Publisher Ltd., 2010) Mitrovic, Sreten; Pandurevic, Tatjana; Milic, Vesna; Djekic, Vera; Djermanovic, VladanWith the aim to determine the influence of Lohman Brown laying hen hybrids age and eggs weight on some characteristics of eggs quality-structure and their correlation relationship, experiment was conducted on two egg samples (160 + 160 = 320 eggs) derived from 20 weeks (the oviposition intensity - 18.29%) and 28 weeks (maximum oviposition - 95.69%) old hens. With laying hens aging there was statistically significant increase (P < 0.001) of average eggs weight from 46.15 up to 59.89 g. Similarly, the absolute proportion of shell, yolk and egg albumen in weight was significantly higher (P < 0.001) at 28 weeks old laying hens than in 20 weeks old laying hens. Percentage share of raw shell in eggs weight was almost similar in both age hens’ groups (13.27 - 13.41%); yolk percentage share was significantly higher (P < 0.001) at older hens (25.90%) than at younger hens (23.60%), while the albumen percentage share in the egg weight situation was reversed, i.e. younger hens (lighter eggs) had a higher albumen percentage share (63.13%) from hens 28 weeks old (60.69%) (P < 0.001). At young laying hens (lighter eggs) phenotypic correlation coefficient between egg weight and crude shells percentage share was -0.425 (P < 0.001), the yolk percentage share -0.093 (P > 0.05) and percentage of albumen share 0.086 (P > 0.05). At 28 weeks old laying hens (heavier eggs) correlation coefficient between egg weight and percentage share of shell, yolk and albumen were: raw shell -0.142 (P > 0.05), egg yolk -0.776 (P < 0.001) and 0.534 egg albumens (P < 0.001).
- СтавкаPartial root-zone drying increases WUE, N and antioxidant content in field potatoes(Elsevier, 2010) Jovanovic, Zorica; Stikic, Radmila; Vucelic-Radovic, Biljana; Paukovic, Milena; Brocic, Zoran; Matovic, Gordana; Rovcanin, Sead; Mojevic, MirjanaPartial root-zone drying (PRD) is a new water-saving irrigation strategy which requires that the roots are simultaneously exposed to both dry and wet soil zones. This technique is now undergoing extensive trials with a range of agricultural crops. These results show significant benefit in increasing water-use efficiency. The field potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Liseta) experiments were conducted during 2007 and 2008. Subsurface drip irrigation was used. In 2007 season PRD plants received 70% of full irrigation (FI). To further enhance water saving during the last 3 weeks of the irrigation period, PRD using 70% of FI was replaced with PRD using 50% of FI in 2008. By five harvests during the season N content, fresh and dry matter (DM) of leaves, stems and tubers were followed. At final harvest the effects of PRD and FI irrigation on total and marketable yield and yield quality were investigated. Also, the irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE) was calculated. As compared to FI, PRD treatment saved 33% (2007) and 42% (2008) of irrigation water while maintaining similar yield. This resulted in 38% and 61% increase in IWUE for the 2007 and 2008 seasons, respectively. In both years the PRD treatments resulted in the increase of N, starch content and antioxidant activity in potato tubers. The latter novel findings on the effect of PRD irrigation on tubers quality might be favorable for the health-promoting potato value.
- СтавкаURBAN AGRICULTURE IN BOSNIA: CASE OF SARAJEVO REGION(University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Croatia, 2013) EL BILALI, Hamid; BERJAN, Sinisa; SIMIC, Jasmina; DESPOTOVIC, Aleksandra; CADRO, Sabrija; KULINA, MirkoAbout 39% of the Bosnian population is urban. The main objective of this work is to get an insight into urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in Bosnia with a focus on legal and regulatory framework, governance, and advisory services’ role. Information were collected by a literature review and semi-structured interviews of 30 urban gardeners as well as extension agents and municipal officers in Sarajevo region. The paper analyses references to UPA in the main agricultural development policies in Bosnia; assesses focus on UPA by extension agents; and analyses urban planning and zoning regulations and budget dedicated to agriculture in many municipalities of Sarajevo region. Semi-structured interviews focused also on economic, environmental, aesthetical and social benefits of UPA. Development of UPA requires improving the regulatory framework, promoting multilevel and multi-stakeholder governance, and fostering pluralistic extension and advisory services.
- СтавкаDIFFERENT GENOTYPES OF ALTERNATIVE SMALL GRAINS IN ORGANIC FARMING(2014) KOVACEVIC, Dušan Dj.; ROLJEVIC, Svetlana; DOLIJANOVIC, Željko; DJORDJEVIC, Snežana; MILIC, VesnaThe main objectives were to examine different genotypes of alternative small grains important for food technology in organic farming conditions on morphological and productive characteristics. Four genotypes of different alternative small grains were included in the trial. Three of them were chosen for specific usage in food technology compact wheat Bambi - Triticum aestivum L. ssp. compactum, spelt Nirvana (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. spelta), durum wheat Durumko- (Triticum durum L.), and one which leads as a genotype for intensive conventional common wheat production in Serbia - NS 40S (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. vulgare). Plots were fertilized with biohumus "Royal ofert" (30 t ha-1) applied in autumn with basic tillage and microbial fertilizer "Slavol" ad as in spring foliar treatment in full tillering (5 l ha-1). Alternative small grains durum wheat and compact wheat except splet gives lower grain yield in organic condition compared with comercial cultivar for high-input NS-40S.
- СтавкаYIELD AND NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF GREENHOUSE LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa L.) AS AFFECTED BY GENOTYPE AND PRODUCTION METHODS(Society of Geneticists of Serbia, 2014) GOVEDARICA-LUCIC, Aleksandra; MOJEVIC, Mirjana; PERKOVIC, Goran; GOVEDARICA, BrankaGreenhouse experiments were conducted in winter growing seasons in order to evaluate the effects of genotype and production methods on yield and nutritional quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). A three-year (2009-2011) study was conducted by randomized block system in a greenhouse without additional heating. The trial included three genotypes of lettuce (Archimedes RZ, Santoro RZ, Kibou RZ). Each row with these genotypes was exposed to the following variants of covering: control-planting on bare soil, mulching before sowing with PE-black foil, agro textile-covering plants after planting with agro textile (17 g), a combination of mulching + agro textile. Throughout of all the three years of the trial, it was continuously evidenced that the genotype “Santoro RZ” had the biggest heads and the highest yield (15.33 kg 10 m-2), which leads to conclusion that the yield of lettuce is a genotype characteristics. Moreover, the nutritional value (ascorbic acid concentration) has shown that, depending on the method of production, in average, the combination of mulching + agro textile (26.77 mg 100 g-1) had the highest content while the control variant had significantly lower vitamin C content (21.10 mg 100 g-1). The three-year researches have shown that the production method and genotype significantly affect the nitrate content. An average nitrate content was 2196.33 mg kg-1 on the control variant, and 2526.24 mg kg-1 on agro textile. Leafy lettuce of genotyp „Kibou RZ“ had lower nitrate content (2176.85 mg kg-1) compared to „Archimedes RZ“ (2843.05 mg kg-1) and „Santoro RZ“ (2221.37 mg kg-1). However, nitrate concentration in all treatments remained within the European Union’s permissible levels.
- СтавкаEndocrine and Metabolic Status of Dairy Cows during Transition Period(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2014) Djoković, Radojica; Cincović, Marko; Kurćubić, Vladimir; Petrović, Milun; Lalović, Miroslav; Jašović, Boban; Stanimirovic, ZoranThe objective of this study was to determine blood levels of cortisol, insulin, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), triglycerides (TG) and total cholesterol in dairy Holstein cows (n = 40) during the transition period. The test cows were classified into four groups: Group A (n = 10), clinically healthy late-pregnant cows from day 20 to day 10 before calving. Group B (n = 10), clinically healthy late-pregnant cows from day 10 to day 1 before calving. Group C (n = 10), clinically healthy puerperal cows. Group D (n = 10), puerperal ketotic cows. The blood serum of ketotic cows was found to have lower levels of T3 (p < 0.01), T4 (p < 0.05), insulin (p > 0.05), cortisol (p > 0.05), glucose (p < 0.01), TG (p <0.01) and total cholesterol (p < 0.05), and higher (p < 0.01) levels of NEFA and BHB, as compared to the blood levels in healthy pregnant and healthy puerperal cows. Results suggest that ketotic cows undergo homeorhetic adaptation of the regulation of organic nutrient metabolism being manifested through a decrease in the blood levels of the test hormones, resulting in increased lipomobilization, hypoglycemia, and intensive ketogenesis and lipogenesis in liver cells.
- СтавкаGovernance of rural development in Egypt(Elsevier, 2014) Elmenofi, Gehan A.G.; EL BILALI, Hamid; Berjan, SinisaEgypt is facing great challenges regarding its economy in general, and rural development (RD) – including agriculture – in particular, such as: the extreme poverty among small-scale farmers; lack of coordination and integration between various stakeholders; complicated local administration system and centralization; and reduced governmental investments. Therefore the current study aimed at identifying rural development policies in Egypt, recognizing the stakeholders both in public and civil society involved in designing, implementing and evaluating RD, and analyzing the relationships and linkages between these actors. Various analytical tools were used to provide a comprehensive overview of RD in Egypt, including quantitative and qualitative methods. A questionnaire survey dealing with coordination of RD policy in Egypt was performed in May–September 2013 with 50 representatives of key public, civil and international organizations. SWOT analysis was used to verify the gaps in the current RD strategy approach. The review of literature and survey revealed no explicit RD strategy, only agricultural and socioeconomic strategies. Additionally, a significant gap was found between plans and their implementation, besides problems in planning, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and implementation in ‘‘what is considered RD’’. Most of the studied organizations lack coordination, financial resources, and community participation. Moreover there is a big confusion when defining RD. About 48% of stakeholder organizations mentioned that most of the RD programs and projects only partially reflect people’s needs indicating that these programs are centrally planned and implemented without any participation. In light of these results, the study recommends that RD strategy in Egypt needs to be structured and based upon coordination and integration between various sectors and stakeholders either national or international to avoid duplication and to better fulfill RD goals and objectives that will eventually lead to ‘‘true’’ socio-economic development, food security and poverty alleviation.
- СтавкаDistance1D – a protein proile analytical program designed for fungal taxonomy(Mycotaxon, 2015) Materić, Dušan; Kukavica, Biljana; Vukojević, JelenaTaxonomic analysis of macromycete fruiting bodies is a challenging task that utilizes morphological, biochemical, and molecular methods. Many biochemical and molecular methods have been developed to test or conirm identiications or phylogenetic positions independently of morphological data. SDS electrophoresis has been shown to be a good biochemical method for protein separation. Although protein proiles can be analyzed by commercially available sotware, there is no sotware designed speciically for fungal taxonomic research. We have developed an open source portable program that uses protein proiles of fungal fruiting bodies to calculate relative diferences between species for use in generating to generate more accurate phylogenetic trees.
- СтавкаENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC STATUS IN DAIRY COWS DURING TRANSITION PEROD AND MID LACTATION(Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, 2015) Djoković, Radojica; Kurćubić, Vladimir; Ilić, Zoran; Cincović, Marko; Petrović, Milun; Lalović, Miroslav; Jašović, BobanThe objective of the present study was to evaluate the endocrine and metabolic changes in Simmental dairy cows during the transition period and mid lactation. Fifteen late pregnant cows, 15 early lactation cows and 15 mid lactation cows were chosen for the analysis. Blood samples were collected to measure growth hormone (GH), insulin, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) by ELISA methods and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose, triglycerides (TG), total protein (TP), albumin and urea by different colorimetric techniques. Early lactation cows were found to have higher blood serum concentrations of GH (P < 0.05), NEFA (P < 0.05) and BHB (P < 0.05) and lower blood serum concentrations of insulin (P > 0.05), T3 (P < 0.05), T4 (P > 0.05) , glucose (P < 0.05), TG (P < 0.05), albumin (P < 0.05) and urea (P < 0.05) compared to late pregnant and mid lactation cows. Correlation analysis showed that GH levels were negatively correlated with insulin levels (r=-0.44; P < 0.05) and positively with NEFA levels (r=0.32; P < 0.05). Insulin levels negatively correlated with NEFA levels (r=-0.34; P < 0.05) and positively with T3 levels (r=0.35; P < 0.05). BHB was negatively correlated with glucose (r=-0.47; P < 0.05) and TG (r=-0.36; P < 0.05) levels (r=-0.44; P < 0.05) and positively with NEFA levels (r= 0.39; P < 0.05). These endocrine and metabolic changes can serve as useful indicators in evaluating the endocrine and metabolic status of dairy cows during lactation.
- СтавкаMINERAL CONTENT IN A SALAD LEAF (Lactuca sativa l.) DEPENDING OF THE GENOTYPE AND APPLIED AGRICULTURAL MEASURES(2015) GOVEDARICA-LUČIĆ, Aleksandra; PERKOVIĆ, GoranFour different production methods applied on three genotype of lettuce (Archimedes RZ, Santoro RZ, Kibou RZ) – have been estimated in a two-year experiment carried out at the Agricultural University of East Sarajevo. The experiment has been conducted during two-year period; lettuce was cultivated by using four different mulch materials: black PE foil, agro textile, a combination of PE foil and agro textile; control variant (bare soil). After harvesting lettuce, evaluated the content of the following minerals (N, P, K). The values of nitrogen content tend to increase from bare ground (7.47%) to a covered soil (7.98%). The reaction genotype on variants coverage shows an interaction effect. Type of material for covering soil also has an influence on the content of potassium. The highest potassium content of 4.87% was recorded at the variant of covering with agro textile, or by 18% more in comparison to the control variant.
- СтавкаPhytochemical composition and biological activity of Echium italicum L. plant extracts(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2017) Bošković, I. D.; Đukić, D. A.; Mašković, P. Z.; Mandić, L. G.The aim of this study was to assess the biological activity of five different extracts of the plant Echium italicum L. and to determine their phytochemical composition. The chloroform, ethyl-acetate, ethanol, acetone and petroleum ether extracts of the plant were examined. The ethanol extract of the plant E. italicum had the highest content of total phenolics and flavonoids, while the chloroform and acetone extracts had the highest tannin content. Several different methods were used to determine the antioxidant activity of the tested extracts, and the ethanol and acetone extracts of the plant displayed the best antioxidant activity. HPLC analysis showed that the main phenolic compounds in the tested extracts were rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and rutin. Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of plant extracts was conducted by to the microdilution method. The results of MIC ranged from 3.91 to 500 μg/ml. Determinations of cytotoxic activity were done according to the MTT assay on human rhabdomyosarcom cells (RD), a cell line derived from human cervix carcinoma (Hep2c) and a cell line derived from mouse fibroblast carcinoma (L2OB). This study suggests that the examined extracts of the plant E. italicum L. may serve as sources of antioxidants and antibiotic agents.
- СтавкаSoil organic carbon in long–term experiments: comparative analysis in Slovakia and Serbia(Estonian Agricultural University, 2017) Macák, M.; Đalović, I.; Turan, J.; Šeremešić, S.; Tyr, S.; Milošev, D.; Kulina, M.Soil organic carbon plays an important role in a long-term agroecosystem productivity, in the global C cycle, maintaining a soil nutrient pool and improving its availability. The objective of this study is the assess the impacts of long–term cropping practices on SOC dynamics in Slovakia and Serbia. Soil C sequestration is a complex process that is influenced by many factors, such as agricultural practice, climatic and soil conditions. For the both location the initial SOC decline was followed with the C stabilization and possible increase where proper practices were used. More intensive crop management systems that maintained residue cover provided the greatest benefit towards increasing the quantity of mineralizable nutrients within the active fraction of soil organic carbon (SOC), as well as increasing C sequestration as field experiments have contributed significantly to our current knowledge of soil quality and have been used to study the influence of crop management, fertilizer application and tillage practices on SOC content.
- СтавкаEstimation of Insulin Resistance in Healthy and Ketotic Cows during an Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test(Faculty Of Veterinary Science, University Of Agriculture, Pakistan, 2017) Djoković, Radojica; Dosković, Vladimir; Cincović, Marko; Belić, Branislava; Fratrić, Natalija; Jašović, Boban; Lalović, MiroslavThe objective of this study was to determine insulin resistance in healthy (n=8) and ketotic (n=7) dairy cows based on the difference between basal and dynamic changes in glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentrations, and on the determination of their mutual relationship and relationship with insulin resistance indices (RQUICKI and RQUICKI-BHB), after intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). The RQUICKI index showed a significant linear correlation (P<0.05) with basal insulin, glucose, NEFA and BHB levels. However, RQUICKI-BHB index values exhibited a negative correlation (P<0.01) with basal NEFA and BHB values and their clearance rates, as well as with glucose clearance rate, and a positive correlation (P<0.05) with basal insulin values as well as with insulin and glucose responses during IVGTT. The correlation between basal values of these parameters and the values measured or calculated during IVGTT is the result of RQUICKI-BHB values, as the exclusion of RQUICKI-BHB leads to loss of the statistical significance of the correlations between basal and dynamic values. Insulin resistance in ketotic cows is characterized by decreased insulin response to glucose and increased insulin resistance of the tissue, their correlation being the result of the RQUICKI-BHB index value.
- СтавкаComparative study of seed yield and seed quality of advanced lines and commercial varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, India, 2017) Petkovic, Borislav; Przulj, Novo; Radic, Vojo; Mirosavljevic, MilanRed clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the most important forage legumes in areas with acidic and nutrient poorer soils where alfalfa fails to growth. In 2010-2011 years period we studied four advanced lines and four commercial varieties of red clover, which are widely used in the production in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our results showed that the variation in grain yield, thousand kernel weight and germination energy was under control of growth. Across genotypes seed yield in 2010 and 2011 was 205 and 223 kg ha-1, respectively. The highest yield of seed was obtained from second growth in the second year. Extreme precipitation during anthesis and grain filling and ripening in 2010 negatively affected red clover seed production. Advanced line DS-2 had the highest grain yield (234 kg ha-1) and thousand kernel weight (1.75 g). Low seeds yields of the tested genotypes are questioning the cost-effectiveness of red clover seed production at this site.
- СтавкаThe influence of variety and fertilization on yield and content of vitamin c in the root of parsley(University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cacak, 2018) Rahimić, Alma; Komlen, Vedrana; Govedarica-Lučić, Aleksandra; Šupljeglav Jukić, AleksandraThe two-year research investigated the impact of different varieties and fertilizers on the root yield and the vitamin C content in the root of parsley. Three varieties of parsley were used and three fertilization treatments were applied (mineral, organic and organomineral fertilizer) as well as control. The varieties used in the research were: ’Domestic Sawmills‘, ’Mooskrause‘, ’Berlin Semi-Long’‘. The root yield and the vitamin C content in the root of parsley were significantly influenced by variety and type of fertilizer. With use of organic fertilizer, the highest yield of roots was achieved in both research years. The lowest vitamin C content was found in the unfertilized control, while the highest vitamin C content was obtained in the organomineral fertilizer treatment, but did not differ significantly from the treatment with organic fertilizer .
- СтавкаThe Impact of Adverse Weather and Climate on the Width of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Tree Rings in Southeastern Europe(MDPI, 2018) Stjepanović, Stefan; Matović, Bratislav; Stojanović, Dejan; Lalić, Branislava; Levanič, Tom; Orlović, Saša; Gutalj, MarkoEuropean beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is the most important deciduous tree species in Europe. According to different climate scenarios, there is a relatively high probability of a massive decline in and loss of beech forests in southern Europe and in the southern part of central Europe. Thus, the authors of this study explored the dynamics of tree diameter increments and the influence of extremely dry years on the width of tree rings. This study used dendroecological methods to analyze the growth and diameter increments of European beech trees at locations in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. The sampling was conducted along the vertical distribution of beech forests, at five sites at the lower limit of the distribution, at five optimal sites of the distribution, and at five sites at the upper limit of the distribution. Long-term analyses indicate that dry conditions during a growing season can reduce tree-ring width, but a reduction in tree growth can be expected as a result of more than one season of unfavorable conditions. Low temperatures in autumn and winter and prolonged winters can strongly affect upcoming vegetation and reduce tree development even under normal thermal conditions during a growing season
- СтавкаCOMPARISON OF STAND STRUCTURE IN MANAGED AND VIRGIN EUROPEAN BEECH FORESTS IN SERBIA(Croatian Forestry Society, 2018) MATOVIĆ, Bratislav; KOPRIVICA, Miloš; KISIN, Bratislav; STOJANOVIĆ, Dejan; KNEGINJIĆ, Igor; STJEPANOVIĆ, StefanThis study presents results of the comparison of structural and production characteristics of managed and virgin European beech forests in Serbia. Five managed and three virgin European beech stands were studied. The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the previous forest management on the structural diversity and production characteristics of managed European beech high forests in Serbia. The observed stands are located in the mountainous range of 400 to 1200 meters above sea level in the areas with the most productive beech forests in Serbia. Structural characteristics were compared using the following parameters: Height curves, Diameter distribution, Gini index, Coefficient of variation, Slenderness coefficient and maximum dimensions of standing living and dead trees. Stand density and productive characteristics were studied using the following forest estimation elements: number of trees, basal area, volume, biomass, carbon stock, stand quadratic mean diameter, Lorey’s mean height and volume of dead wood. The greatest differences were found in the dimensions of the largest trees in managed and virgin beech forests (diameters at breast height and heights). Certain differences were found in the shape of Height curves and Diameter distribution and in the values of Slenderness coefficient. However, the Gini index and the Coefficient of variation show that these managed beech forests in Serbia substantially preserve the primeval structural diversity. The differences in the average value of most forest estimation elements of managed beech high forests in Serbia compared to virgin beech forests are statistically significant, which tells us that the previous management had a significant impact on the changes in the production characteristics of these forests in Serbia.
- СтавкаEFFECT OF BEAN CULTIVARS ON SOIL MICROORGANISMS(Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, 2018) Petrović, Bojana; Đurić, Simonida; Vasić. Mirjana; Tunguz, Vesna; Pokluda, RobertThe aim of this study was to determine the microbiological activity in soil under beans in organic and conventional production. Organic production was conducted on the field in the village Pivnice (Serbia), while conventional production was conducted in the village Curug (Serbia) during 2014 on the chernosem type soil. Cultivars of beans Belko, Dvadesetica, Maksa, Slavonac, Sremac, Zlatko were used. Before sowing, the bean seeds were inoculated by biofertilizers NS-Nitragin. NS-Nitragin contains a mixture of selected strains of symbiotic bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli. The total number of actinomycetes, ammonifiers, Azotobacter, bacteria and fungi were determined. At the end of vegetation period in conventional production the highest number of actinomycetes (5.83) and fungi (4.87) was recorded in cultivar Dvadesetica. In organic production the highest number of ammonifires was in cultivar Sremac (9.91). The highest number of bacteria was in cultivar Dvadesetica (9.08) and the highest number of fungi was in cultivar Zlatko (5.14). The results have shown that number of microorganisms was higher in organic production.
- СтавкаGrowth response of different tree species (oaks, beech and pine) from SE Europe to precipitation over time(Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2018) Stojanović, Dejan B.; Levanič, Tom; Matović, Bratislav; Stjepanović, Stefan; Orlović, SašaChanging climatic conditions can have various consequences for forest ecosystems, from increasing frequencies of forest fires, ice and windstorm events to pathogen outbreaks and mass mortalities. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was chosen for the evaluation of drought impact on the radial growth of trees after extensive preliminary testing of various calculated monthly climate parameters from the CARPATCLIM database. SPI was calculated for periods between 3 and 36 months for different sites (lowland and mountainous parts of Serbia, Southeast Europe), from which Quercus robur, Q. cerris, Fagus sylvatica and Pinus sylvestris samples were acquired. Bootstrapped Pearson’s correlations between SPI monthly indices and radial growth of tree species were calculated. We found that 12-month SPI for summer months may be a good predictor of positive and negative growth of different species at different sites. The strongest positive correlations for five of six tree-ring width chronologies were between 12-month June and 14-month September SPI, which implies that high growth rates can be expected when the autumn of the previous year, and winter, spring and summer of the current year, are well supplied with precipitation, and vice versa (low precipitation in given period/low growth rates).