Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper]
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Прегледај Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper] по Датум издавања
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- СтавкаVIRTUALNA REALNOST - NOVI PRILAZ U PROJEKTOVANJU I PROIZVODNJI(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2006-03) Gatalo, Ratko; Navalušić, Slobodan; Zeljković, Milan; Milojević, Zoran; Megađa, IštvanU radu je, ukratko, prikazan razvoj tehnologije virtualne realnosti, karakteristike različitih sistema i prisutni trendovi u projektovanju proizvoda korišćenjem virtualne realnosti. Pored toga izloženi su i odrerđeni primeri rezultata, ostvarenih na Institutu za proizvodno mašinstvo, Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, koji se odnose na vizuelizaciju rada složenih tehnoloških sistema u području proizvodnog mašinstva, kao segmenta ukupne virtualne realnosti.
- СтавкаEXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THE STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN THE CRANE MAST(Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 2009) Šarenac, Momir; Milutinović, Miroslav; Ličen, Hotimir
- СтавкаANALIZA POUZDANOSTI PODSISTEMA ZA KOPANJE ROTORNOG BAGERA ER - 1250 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF BUCKET WHEEL DRIVE ON BUCKET-WHEEL EXCAVAVTOR ER - 1250(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2010) Trifković, Spasoje; Kraišnik, Milija; Radić, NebojšaRad prikazuje izračunavanje pouzdanosti podsistema za kopanje bagera ER – 1250, za vremenski period od 2006. do 2009. godine. Za analizu otkaza korišćene su dvije metode iz teorije pouzdanosti, analiza stabla otkaza (FTA) i EFTES metoda alokacije pouzdanosti iz razloga njihove velike primjenjivosti i upotrebljivosti u analizama svih perioda životnog vijeka. Za realizaciju proračuna razvijen je programski paket za izračunavanje alociranog inteziteta otkaza i pouzdanosti.
- СтавкаImproved Auto-tuning PID Controller of Level in Condenser of Turbine in Thermal Power Plant Using Saturation-relay Feedback(Faculty of Electronic Engineering; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, 2010) Prodanović, Saša; Nedić, Novak; Filipović, VojislavProperly tuned controllers should ensure correct and unobstructed functioning of the system, i.e. process. Using ideal relay as nonlinearity in process of auto-tuning gives significant errors in estimates of the ultimate gain and ultimate period. In this paper mentioned lack is overcomed by introduction saturation relay, where control system of condensate level in condenser of turbine in thermal power plant Gacko is used as a model. Due to the constant striving to reduce energy consumption, above settings are implemented in the system for which is proposed strategy which provides energy savings, i.e. includes frequency regulators.
- СтавкаDYNAMICS MODEL AND MONITORING IN ROTATION MACHINES(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Zenici, 2010) Antunović, Ranko; Ekinović, Sabahudin; Uctug, Yildirim; Vivancos Calvet, JoanThe digital signal processing based on new microprocessor technology allows us great success in machines protection, with very acceptable economic investments today. Additionally, including vibration-diagnostics monitoring of machines in addition with analytics methods, it is possible monitoring and quantification dynamics parameter of machine. By means analysis dynamics behavior of rotor, it is possible diagnostics defect which relating on rotor and other parts of machine, and solve it. In last time, vibrations analysis and monitoring are become the most wide spread and softest part of machines diagnostics. Detection, identification and removing of problems about work of machine is simpler if we modeling few dynamics solution. When forming model which oriented on discovering defect by means sensors measured vibrations, which almost located in bearings, mathematics model is presented as elastic rotor with concentrated weight. Experimental results from test tables leading company in the world Bentley Nevada Co. USA used as base for development of this model. As note, mathematics model in the most cases based on radial oscillation of rotor and torsion oscillations in someone cases. Torsion vibration are not detect without special sensors even if they are his magnitude near destruction level.
- СтавкаUTICAJ TEMPERATURNOG POLJA NA DINAMIČKO PONAŠANJE ROTORA TURBOGENERATORA(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2010-03) Antunović, Ranko; Prodanović, SašaPri eksploataciji sinhronih generatora veliki dio energije se gubi i pretvara u toplotu. Gubici se sastoje od gubitaka u namotajima statora i rotora, zatim u jezgru i od gubitaka u ležištima i zaptivačima gdje se kinetička energija pretvara u toplotnu. Pri promjeni režima rada generatora, zatim pri neravnomjernom hlađenju po obimu rotora usled različitih mogućih uzroka (greške u obradi, nesimetričnosti i nejednakosti otvora za hlađenje i žljebova za namotaje, prašina, pukotine i dr.) dolazi do formiranja nesimetričnih i nestacionarnih temperaturnih polja po lokaciji i vremenu rada. Usled vrlo malih razlika temperature zbog velike elastičnosti rotora i velikog raspona između ležišta formira se ugib neutralne linije rotora što dovodi do značajnih promjena neuravnoteženosti sistema. Ovako izazvana neuravnoteženost proizvodi dodatnu inercijalnu silu koja u senzorskom odzivu sa sistema značajno mijenja amplitudu i fazu 1X komponente mehaničkih vibracija pri stacionarnom radu sistema. Pošto ove simptome mogu imati i neke druge neispravnosti u sistemu, potrebno je izvršiti i dopunska ispitivanja, kako bi se odredila veličina i uticaj ove pojave na ukupno dinamičko stanje sistema i tako blagovremeno spriječili njeni neželjeni efekti.
- СтавкаVIZUELIZACIJA RADA FLEKSIBILNOG TEHNOLOŠKOG MODULA ZA BRUŠENJE U MATLAB/SIMULINK OKRUŽENJU(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2010-03) Košarac, Aleksandar; Zeljković, Milan; Požar, AtilaKako bi se projektovana struktura mogla bolje razumjeti, procijeniti, prostudirati, pogotovo u fazi projektovanja koncepcionog rješenja, kada su najmanji troškovi eventualnih izmjena, tehnlogija virtualne realnosti ima veliki potencijal kao nadopuna mogućnostima računarske grafike i konvencionalnih CAD sistema. U radu je prikazan postupak vizuelizacije i animacije rada fleksibilnog tehnološkog modula (FTM) za obradu brušenjem rotacionih dijelova u MATLAB/SIMULINK okruženju. Kao primjer je prikazan FTM koga sačinjavaju sledeće komponente: brusilica za okruglo brušenje, portalni manipulator, sistemske palete i indikciono vođena kolica. Virtualni model fleksibilnog tehnološkog modula je dobijen eksportovanjem 3D modela razvijenog primjenog programskog sistema CATIA u VRML. VRML model je posredstvom VR toolbox-a povezan sa upravljačkom strukturom koja je razvijena u SIMULINK-u.
- СтавкаINFORMACIONE TEHNOLOGIJE I SAVREMENI TRENDOVI OBLIKOVANJA ORGANIZACIJE(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet istočno Sarajevo, 2011) Medaković, Vlado; Radić, Nebojša; Vasković, SrđanCilj ovog rada je da ukaže na nove izazove u modernom korporativnom upravljanju i primjenu informacionih tehnologija kao mogući odgovor u pogledu na visok nivo turbulencija. Pokazalo se da klasična organizacija i upravljanje predstavljaju ograničavajući faktor za primjenu novih tehnologija, naročito informacionih tehnologija i da je neophodno fundamentalno promijeniti korporativni dizajn u cilju postizanja boljih performansi. Kao primjer dat je jedan od novih oblika organizacije, Web Paukova mreža.
- СтавкаANALIZA NAPONSKOG STANJA KUKE KORIŠĆENJEM MKE(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2011) Trifković, Spasoje; Radić, Nebojša; Šehovac, Savo; Košarac, Aleksandar; Milutinović, MiroslavKuka je dio koji se najviše koristi za vješanje tereta kod dizalica. Težina kuke je teret koji dizalica mora uvijek dizati, čime se smanjuje nosivost i povećava potrebna snaga dizanja. Zbog toga, dimenzije kuke treba da imaju najmanje potrebne vrijednosti, pri propisanom stepenu sigurnosti. U ovom radu je izvršena analiza naponskog stanja kuke na uobičajeni način i uz pomoć računara, koristeći metodu konačnih elemenata (MKE). Uobičajeni način proračuna kuke se sastoji u provjeri napona u vlaknima materijala u pojedinim presjecima. Krivi dio kuke je proračunat na dva načina, približnom i tačnom metodom. U prvom slučaju je kuka posmatrana kao pravi stap ekscentrično opterećen, a u drugom kao krivi štap.
- СтавкаNUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF FREE UPSETTING CYLINDER USING FEM WITH EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION(Elektrotehnički fakultet, 2011) Radić, Nebojša; Kraišnik, Milija; Trifković, SpasojeThis paper describes numerical simulation of upsetting process of cylindrical specimen by flat die performed by Finite Element Analysis on the bases of results of experimental research. Software CATIA V5 R18 is used for modeling and simulation. Having in mind that during the upsetting process large deformation occurred, nonlinear analysis is performed. It is needed to take into consideration large displacement and contact friction, as well as large pressure cylinder and rigid die. Results gained by Finite Element Analysis and by experiment show high degree of similarity, so this way of modeling could be used for even more complex technology of plasticity.
- СтавкаEnergy saving in the power plants using automatic control(2011) Nedić, Novak; Filipović, Vojislav; Prodanović, SašaThe constant striving to reduce energy consumption leads toward introduction of strategies, which can enable it. In this paper, the strategy which includes frequency regulators into control system of condensate level in condenser of turbine in thermal power plant Gacko is proposed. Properly tuned PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controllers are precondition for appropriate process control. Therefore, the mathematical model of this system is formed and simulations of auto-tuning of PID controllers, using ideal relay and saturation relay as nonlinearity, are carried out. Static load disturbance are considered too, because of its adverse effect both directly on the object, and in auto-tuning process, which causes errors in determining of PID regulator’s parameters. The justification of the introduction of frequency regulators has been confirmed by calculation of energy saving. Its feasibility was proved through simulation of the functioning of the entire control system of level in condenser, based on consideration of characteristic parameters of system response.
- СтавкаKORIŠĆENJE INFORMACIONIH TEHNOLOGIJA U SEKTORU MALIH I MIKRO PREDUZEĆA(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2011) Medaković, Vlado; Vasković, SrđanOvaj rad opisuje značaj informacionih tehnologija u pogledu poslovanja malih i mikro preduzeća u Republici Srpskoj. Evropska povelja za mala preduzeća, koja je obavezna za sve države članice Evropske Unije, države kandidate za članstvo u Evropsku Uniju i države Zapadnog Balkana, ističe deset područja koja su značajna za poboljšanje poslovnog okruženja za mala preduzeća. Među tih deset područja nalazi se i unapređenje on – line pristupa, odnosno korišćenje informacionih tehnologija. Istraživanje je imalo cilj da pokaže postoji li mogućnost elektronke komunikacije malih i mikro preduzeća sa sektorom institucionalne infrastrukture i na kom su nivou.
- СтавкаPRIMJENA SAVREMENIH TEHNOLOGIJA VIZUELIZACIJE U PROJEKTOVANJU FLEKSIBILNIH TEHNOLOŠKIH STRUKTURA(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2011-03) Košarac, Aleksandar; Zeljković, Milan; Gatalo, RatkoPredmet istraživanja u ovom radu je razvoj programskog rješenja za automatizovano modularno projektovanje pojedinih tipova mašina alatki za obradu rotacionih dijelova (mašina za obradu krajeva, strugova i brusilica), i njihovo komponovanje u fleksibilne tehnološke strukture višeg nivoa. Za realizaciju programskog rješenja primjenjen je CAD programski sistem univerzalne namjene CATIA, i programski jezik VBA, uz uvažavanje činjenice da se isto moglo realizovati primjenom bilo kog savremenog CAD programskog sistema i njemu odgovarajućeg programskog jezika. Ulazne informacije u programski sistem predstavljaju skup radnih predmeta, odnosno njihove geometrijske karakteristike, a izlaz je koncepciono rješenje fleksibilne tehnološke strukture. U cilju što vjerodostojnijeg prikaza koncepcije projektovanih komponeti i struktura višeg nivoa složenosti razvijena je i aplikacija za simulaciju rada, odnosno kretanja pojedinih komponenti. Upravljanje kretanjem pojedinih komponenti fleksibilne tehnološke strukture je izvedeno u MATLAB/Simulink okruženju, a kao interfejs između MATLAB/Simulink okruženja i virtualne realnosti korišten je VR Toolbox.
- СтавкаROLE AND IMPORTANCE VIBRODIAGNOSTICS IN MAINTENANCE TECHNICAL SYSTEM(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Zenici, 2011-09) Antunović, Ranko; Ekinović, Sabahudin; Vivancos, Joan Calvet; Tacer, EminThe progress of computer and measuring techniques, and continuous price reduction of development of computer hardware, allows today a significant step forward in monitoring and diagnosis of technical systems with financial investment is very acceptable. The application of modern systems of technical diagnostics, can be coupled with analytical methods, much better to explore the dynamic behavior of machines. Thus, one can timely detect errors in operation, following the change of state machines, then set depending on the operating modes, failure to diagnose the causes of the events and store all relevant information about the state of the system. Such monitoring machines in the manufacturing process allows it to every moment I have access to the health of the machine, so that we can ’’to manage machines in general’’ which is an important prerequisite for the optimization of the production process as a whole.
- СтавкаCOMPARISON OF TWO MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR CONTROL SYSTEM OF LEVEL IN CONDENSER OF TURBINE IN THE THERMAL POWER PLANT(International ConferenceProcess Technology And Environmental Protection, 2011-12) Prodanović, Saša; Nedić, Novak; Filipović, VojislavThis paper shows large importance of adequate mathematical modeling of system. Control system of level in condenser of turbine in thermal power plant Gacko is taken into exploration. Here it was presented in two ways, as first-order system and second-order system. Their analysis and comparison were carried out after auto-tuning of PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller using relay feedback test simulation. Obtained parameters of PID controller were applied into both variations of the system block diagram and its responses have been utilized for giving evaluation of researched models.
- СтавкаReduced Energy Cost through the Furnace Pressure Control in Power Plants(2012) Filipović, Vojislav ; Nedić, Novak ; Prodanović, SašaMaintaining pressure in the boiler’s furnace is one of the key requirements for proper combustion in steam boilers in thermal power plants. This paper proposes a control strategy that eliminates flap in the channel for the output gases. This is achieved by applying the frequency regulator for asynchronous motor speed control. Reference value for the frequency regulator is obtained through the PI controller. Special attention is given to tuning of PI controller. Well-tuned PI controller with the use of frequency regulator provides significant energy savings, because asynchronous motor for ventilator of steam boiler in thermal power plants has a large power. Modification of relay feedback experiment has supported λ-tuning of controller whose two types (faster and robust) were tuned. This modification consists in: a) Replacement of relay characteristic with saturation curve, b) Fourth-order process identification with first-order process plus dead time. The methodology is illustrated by simulations.
- СтавкаFACTORS, BENEFITS AND MOTIVIES OF INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (IMS)(University of Zenica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2012) Marić, Bogdan; Moljević, Slaviša; Rajković, Dragan; Jašarević, Sabahudin; Ekinović, Sabahudin; Yalcin, Senay; Vivancos Calvet, JoanIntegration of management systems for quality, environment, health and risk management as well as corporative social responsibilities is workable corporative approach to reduce costs, effective use of resources, higher motivation of employees and better fulfillment of requirements of social engagements and stakeholders. This paper presents contents of literature and review of a company motives on integrated management system (IMS) implementation, namely factors affecting the IMS implementation.
- СтавкаANALYSIS OF HEAT TRANSFER THROUGH THE BEAM SUPPORT OF THE WAGON STRUCTURE CALCULATED BY SOFTWARE PAK MULTYPHISICS(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2012) Nikolić, Aleksandar; Blagojević, Milan; Milovanović, Vladimir; Živković, Miroslav; Milutinović, Miroslav; Antunović, RankoPaper deals with heat transfer through beam supports of wagon structure for transportation of hot steel ingots. It is well known that changing of the material properties at high temperatures leading to reduced carrying capacity of structures. Therefore, it is necessary to know the temperature distribution in the carrying element to avoid disturbing the integrity of construction. Basic equations which governs the problem of heat transfer in terms of finite element method (FEM) are presented taking into account the initial and boundary conditions. Heat transfer through beam supports of wagon structure for transportation of hot steel ingots is solved by software PAK Multyphisics. It is shown that the temperature of carrying elements is slightly elevated, which does not affect the normal operation of wagon construction.
- СтавкаNOVE TEHNOLOGIJE U FUNKCIJI NADZORA RADA MAŠINSKIH SISTEMA(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2012) Batinić, Željko; Radović, Zoran; Nikšić, Petar; Antunović, Ranko; Antunović, RankoPojavom sve složenijih i zahtjevnijih tehničkih sistema od presudnog značaja postaje potreba razvoja i primjene odgovarajućih dijagnostičkih sistema koje treba da obezbijede visoku raspoloživost i pouzdanost u radu tih sistema. Razvoj mikroprocesorske tehnologije i na njoj zasnovane digitalne obrade signala omogućava praćenje i prikazivanje svih relevantnih podataka, u odgovarajućem obliku (formatu), koji govore o stvarnom stanju (zdravlju) mašinskih sistema. Tako razvijen nadzorni sistem omogućava da upravljamo mašinskim sistemima i procesom u cjelini. U ovom radu su prikazani potrebni dijagnostički parametri i trenutno razvijeni nadzorno-dijagnostički vodećih svjetskih kompanija. Dat je i primjer razvijenog nadzornog sistema hidroagregata.
- СтавкаTHE APPLICATION OF EXPERT SYSTEMS IN DIAGNOSTICS OF ROTATING MACHINES(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Zenici, 2012-09) Antunović, Ranko; Ekinović, Sabahudin; Yalcin, Senay; Vivancos Calvet, JoanThe usage of expert system is necessary when in a limited part of field algorithms, solutions don′t exist and there is not completely defined theoretical solutions, or in the case when the theory exict, but it is not possible practically include all theoretical cases process using the algorithm in real time. In both cases practical experience of expert is used to establish the solutions on the base of expert system. In this paper the ably establishment of expert systems in the field vibrodiagnostic’s mechanical transmissions. Presented the achievements to date and provide opportunities for further development of such systems.