Пољопривредни факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Agriculture [Scientific papers]
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Прегледај Пољопривредни факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Agriculture [Scientific papers] по Тема "behavior change, food labelling, food waste cost, household food waste, Montenegro, online survey"
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Опције сортирања
- СтавкаHOUSEHOLD FOOD WASTE IN MONTENEGRO(Codon Publications, 2019) BERJAN, S.; MRDALJ. V.; EL BILALI, H.; VELIMIROVIC, A.; BLAGOJEVIC, Z.; BOTTALICO, F.; DEBS, P.; CAPONE, R.Approximately one third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. This study provides a general overview about household food waste in Montenegro. An online survey was carried out in 2015 with a random sample of 371 adult Montenegrins (70.1% female; 91.1% less than 44 years old; 81.2% high-educated). Most of the respondents (90.8%) had high concerns related to food waste. Bakery products are the most wasted foods. Monthly economic value of food waste is 5–25 Euro. Raising Montenegrins’ awareness about environmental, ethical and economic implications of household food wastage is crucial to address this issue.