Саобраћајни факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering [Conference paper]

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    (Saobraćajni fakultet Beograd, 2022-11) Suzana Miladić-Tešić; Milan Tešić; Katerina Folla; Valentina Radojičić; Nebojša Bojović; Dejan Marković; Goran Marković
    Road safety key performance indicators (KPI) are the indicators reflecting those operational conditions of the road traffic system that are influencing the system’s safety performance. The European Commission developed a set of common methodological guidelines for the data collection and estimation of the KPIs in the EU countries. In the near future, the automated process of KPIs data collection, accompanied by advanced smart solutions in urban areas, smart in-car solutions, etc. can significantly improve data quality. The objective of this paper is to explore the process of road safety KPIs data collection and sharing using Internet of Vehicles (IoV) networking. In that context, a star rating of driver's behaviour could be done and such data could be shared aiming to better improve drivers' safety behaviour
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    Design, Implementation and Simulation of WirelessHart Network
    (University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, 2009) Kostadinovic, Miroslav; Stojcev, Mile; Bundalo, Dušanka; Bundalo, Zlatko
    In this paper has been presented the way of design and implementation of WirelessHart in the work with the modified TrueTime simulator based on the MATLAB/Simulink, which can simulate the regulating and control mechanism in the execution of tasks in real-time systems, networks and dynamic plants. WirelessHart MAC protocol has been designed and implemented with some C++ functions with the suitable MATLAB MEX interfaces. For better understanding of MAC protocol in the work has been implemented the algorithm of pseudo-code.
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    Planning and Management of WirelessHart Network
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010) Kostadinović, Miroslav; Bundalo, Dušanka; Bundalo, Zlatko
    Wireless networks are very often used in the process industry. One of such networks is the WirelessHart network. The planning and management of the WirelessHart network in the process industry is considered and described in this paper. In order to analyze behavior of the WirelessHart network in the process industry in the paper are first described devices that are used in the network, the gateway and the transmitters. Then the results of simulation for planning and managing of execution of the communication in the network using AMS Wireless Configurator and SNAP-ON application are presented.
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    Simulation model of DC servo motor control
    (2010) Kostadinović, Miroslav; Stojčev, Mile; Bundalo, Dušanka; Bundalo, Zlatko
    In the paper are explained in details all phases of adjusting TrueTime simulation surrounding necessary for analysis of behavior of WirelessHART protocol implemented on the example of control system with three nodes for control of DC servo motor. At the end of paper are given obtained results of simulation for control and planing of execution tasks in WirelessHART network.
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    Integrating Wireless Systems Into Process Industry
    (2011) Kostadinovic, Miroslav; Bundalo, Dušanka; Bundalo, Zlatko; Softic, Ferid
    Now there is a trend of replacement of wired communication systems in process industry with the new developed wireless communication systems due to their more efficient and cheaper ways of connection and use. The conducted research and obtained results in the field of integration of wireless systems in process industry are described in the paper. The really existing known implementations of industrial communication networks and a critical review of their technical capabilities are shortlly considered first. Then, the requirements for the implementation of a modern management system in the processing industry is specified and the models of integration HART and WirelessHART networks are proposed. The assessment of managerial performances of the integrated network model using the results of simulation for the implementation of network and software tools for configuring, planning and management of wireless networks is also given.