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    (Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro, 2021) BOŠKOVIĆ, Ivana; ĐUKIĆ, Dragutin; MANDIĆ, Leka; MAŠKOVIĆ, Pavle; GOVEDARICA-LUČIĆ, Aleksandra
    Antioxidant activity is one of the most important properties of plant extracts. Antioxidants from natural sources have been intensively studied in the last few decades. The antioxidant contents of medicinal plants may contribute to the protection of diseases. Bioactive components of plants have a potential role in chemoprevention and inhibition of different phases of the malignant transformation process. Therefore, plant extracts and essential oils are in the focus of research, and in recent decades have been tested on a large number of malignant cell lines. The aim of this study was to examine antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of selected plant species from the Boraginaceae family. Determination of antioxidant activity was performed by ammonium-thiocyanate method. Testing citotoxic activity was performed by MTT test on cancer cell lines: HEP 2c (human larynx carcinoma), RD (human cell line-rhabdomyosarcoma) and L2OB (mouse tumor fibroblast line). The best antioxidant activity showed ethanol, acetone and chloroform extracts of Anchusa officinalis, Echium vulgare and Echium italicum. The tested extracts showed an inhibitory effect on cancer cells, but chloroform and acetone extracts of all three plant had the most effective effect on L2OB cells. Isolation of individual active components from this plants and their testing for cancer cells would be of great importance for this field of research.
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    Food Behavior Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Statistical Analysis of Consumer Survey Data from Bosnia and Herzegovina
    (MDPI, 2021) Ben Hassen, Tarek; El Bilali, Hamid; Allahyari, Mohammad S.; Karabašević, Darjan; Radosavac, Adriana; Berjan, Sinisa; Vaško, Željko; Radanov, Pavle; Obhođaš, Ibrahim
    Bosnia and Herzegovina has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by implementing quarantine and other social distancing measures. These measures, however, have mental, social, and economic consequences on diet and food behaviors. The Bosnian case is particularly pertinent since the country has one of the highest global mortality rates relative to its population. In addition, its health system is fragmented and under-resourced. Consequently, in this study, we analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Bosnians’ behaviors relating to food. It is based on an online survey performed during October–November 2020 with 3133 adult respondents. The statistical analysis encompassed descriptive statistics (means, percentages, and frequencies), as well as cluster analysis. The results reveal that the pandemic transformed consumers’ shopping behaviors and food sourcing, reducing shopping frequency and increasing food bought on each trip. Furthermore, there was an increase in the consumption of local food items due to food safety concerns. Additionally, the pandemic improved the awareness of Bosnians towards food with a decrease in food waste. Regarding diets, Bosnians tried to have healthier diets during the pandemic. Therefore, COVID-19 might have opened a ‘window of opportunity’ to promote the shift towards more sustainable food consumption and lifestyles.
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    Partial root drying: New approach for potato irrigation
    (Cereal Research Non-Profit Company, Hungary, 2009) Broćić, Zoran; Jovanović, Zorica; Stikić, Radmila; Vucelić Radović, Biljana; Mojević, Mirjana
    Drought is one of the most common environmental stresses that may limit agricultural production worldwide. To overcome the drought problems efficiently, an innovative sustainable irrigation technique called Partial Root Drying (PRD) was proposed. PRD is an irrigation technique where half of the root zone is irrigated while the other half is allowed to dry out. The treatment is then reversed, allowing the previously well-watered side of the root system to dry down while fully irrigating the previously dry side. The PRD benefit is in the terms of improved water-use efficiency (IWUE). The aim of presented work was to compare the effects of PRD with full irrigation (FI) on yield of field-grown potato, and to test for effects of PRD on IWUE, tuber yield and quality. The experiments were conducted during 2007 and 2008 seasons. In PRD treatment in 2007 season 70% of the irrigation water in FI was applied to one half of the root system, although in 2008 season PRD was applied dynamically (by replacing 70% PRD with 50% PRD in last two weeks). Irrigation scheduling was based on evapotranspiration and soil water data (measured by TDR). Experimental results for both seasons confirmed that with PRD irrigation it is possible to increase IWUE, save water for irrigation and increase quality of potato tuber (starch content).
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    Weight and egg quality correlation relationship on different age laying hens
    (WFL Publisher Ltd., 2010) Mitrovic, Sreten; Pandurevic, Tatjana; Milic, Vesna; Djekic, Vera; Djermanovic, Vladan
    With the aim to determine the influence of Lohman Brown laying hen hybrids age and eggs weight on some characteristics of eggs quality-structure and their correlation relationship, experiment was conducted on two egg samples (160 + 160 = 320 eggs) derived from 20 weeks (the oviposition intensity - 18.29%) and 28 weeks (maximum oviposition - 95.69%) old hens. With laying hens aging there was statistically significant increase (P < 0.001) of average eggs weight from 46.15 up to 59.89 g. Similarly, the absolute proportion of shell, yolk and egg albumen in weight was significantly higher (P < 0.001) at 28 weeks old laying hens than in 20 weeks old laying hens. Percentage share of raw shell in eggs weight was almost similar in both age hens’ groups (13.27 - 13.41%); yolk percentage share was significantly higher (P < 0.001) at older hens (25.90%) than at younger hens (23.60%), while the albumen percentage share in the egg weight situation was reversed, i.e. younger hens (lighter eggs) had a higher albumen percentage share (63.13%) from hens 28 weeks old (60.69%) (P < 0.001). At young laying hens (lighter eggs) phenotypic correlation coefficient between egg weight and crude shells percentage share was -0.425 (P < 0.001), the yolk percentage share -0.093 (P > 0.05) and percentage of albumen share 0.086 (P > 0.05). At 28 weeks old laying hens (heavier eggs) correlation coefficient between egg weight and percentage share of shell, yolk and albumen were: raw shell -0.142 (P > 0.05), egg yolk -0.776 (P < 0.001) and 0.534 egg albumens (P < 0.001).
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    Partial root-zone drying increases WUE, N and antioxidant content in field potatoes
    (Elsevier, 2010) Jovanovic, Zorica; Stikic, Radmila; Vucelic-Radovic, Biljana; Paukovic, Milena; Brocic, Zoran; Matovic, Gordana; Rovcanin, Sead; Mojevic, Mirjana
    Partial root-zone drying (PRD) is a new water-saving irrigation strategy which requires that the roots are simultaneously exposed to both dry and wet soil zones. This technique is now undergoing extensive trials with a range of agricultural crops. These results show significant benefit in increasing water-use efficiency. The field potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Liseta) experiments were conducted during 2007 and 2008. Subsurface drip irrigation was used. In 2007 season PRD plants received 70% of full irrigation (FI). To further enhance water saving during the last 3 weeks of the irrigation period, PRD using 70% of FI was replaced with PRD using 50% of FI in 2008. By five harvests during the season N content, fresh and dry matter (DM) of leaves, stems and tubers were followed. At final harvest the effects of PRD and FI irrigation on total and marketable yield and yield quality were investigated. Also, the irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE) was calculated. As compared to FI, PRD treatment saved 33% (2007) and 42% (2008) of irrigation water while maintaining similar yield. This resulted in 38% and 61% increase in IWUE for the 2007 and 2008 seasons, respectively. In both years the PRD treatments resulted in the increase of N, starch content and antioxidant activity in potato tubers. The latter novel findings on the effect of PRD irrigation on tubers quality might be favorable for the health-promoting potato value.