Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper]
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Сада се приказује 1 - 5 од 108
- СтавкаCOMPARING THE ACCURACY OF MASTER MODEL AND THEIR REPLICAS PRODUCED BY RAPID TOOLING USING VACUUM CASTING(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2019) Kraišnik, Milija; Ilić, Jovica; Jotić, Goran; Mačkić, Tihomir; Anić, Jelica; Gvero, Petar; Prochaska, BiljanaIn this paper we compared the accuracy of an original master model which was used to make the silicone mold and mold cavity and its replicas obtained by the vacuum casting technology. This technology allows us to create small batches of parts based on the master model in a relatively short time. The aim of the paper is to compare the accuracy of replicas produced with the OEM part using a reversible engineering technique, that is, CAD to part.
- СтавкаDISSIMILAR WELDING OF ALUMINUM ALLOYS 2024 T351 AND 6082 T6 BY TIG PROCESS(Sveučilište u Slavonskom Brodu, Strojarski fakultet, Društvo za tehniku zavarivanja Slavonski Brod, 2023) Milčić, Dragan; Milčić, Miodrag; Vuherer, Tomaž; Đurić, Aleksija; Mitić, Dragan; Radovanović, AndrejaThe aim of this work is to study the metallurgical and mechanical properties of dissimilar assemblies of 2024 T351 and 6082 T6 aluminum alloy by the TIG process. Aluminum alloy 6082 T6 is well weldable by classical fusion welding processes (MIG and TIG), while aluminum alloy 2024-T351 is almost non-weldable. Base metals were sheets with a thickness of 8 mm. The assembly of the plates was carried out by filler wire of an aluminum alloy type 4043A (AlSi5) with 2 mm of diameter. For the welding of these two Al alloys by TIG welding process in argon a shielding gas. The microstructural evolution across the welded joint dissimilar AA6082-T6 to AA2024-T351 aluminum alloy was characterized using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The hardness welded joint is the smallest in the melted area and the biggest on the side of 2024 alloy in HAZ. The fracture surface section of the tensile specimen is in the HAZ zone on the BM side - 6082-T6. The tensile strength of the welded joint is 166 MPa compared to 310 MPa for alloy 6082-T6 which is a weaker welded joint material, i.e. the reduction is about two times.
- СтавкаRESISTANCE SPOT WELDING OF STEEL SHEET DP500 - INFLUENCE OF THE WELDING CURRENT ON THE MICROHARDNESS AND WELD NUGGET DIAMETER(Sveučilište u Slavonskom Brodu, Strojarski fakultet, 2021) Đurić, Aleksija; Milčić, Dragan; Marković, Biljana; Klobčar, Damjan; Milčić, Miodrag; Mitić, DraganDual-Phase steel has been used in body-in-white in order to reduce the weight and enhance the safety of automobiles. One of the most used technology for joining steel in automotive industry is Resistance spot welding. This paper presnet the analysis of the welding current influence on the microhardness and weld nugget diameter. It will be shown in the paper that the increased hardness of the fusion zones reduces the possibility of the necking in the base metal (i. e. Pull-out Fracture - PF mode), which is not considered as a favorable case.Specimens welded with current of 8 kA showed the best mechanical characteristics, the failure load was approximately 20000 N, the hardness of the fusion zone was approximately 350 HV and during the tensile-shear test they faile in PF mode.
- СтавкаКРИВЕ НЕРАВНОМЈЕРНОСТИ ДИСТРИБУЦИЈЕ ВОДЕ У ВЛАЖНИМ РАСХЛАДНИМ ТОРЊЕВИМА(Društvo za procesnu tehniku, Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS), 2014) Стијачић, Сања; Милић, Давор; Голубовић, Душан; Стијачић, Новица; Симић, Стојан; Добрњац, МиркоУ раду је анализиран утицај дистрибуције воде на интензитет хлађења воде у влажним расхладним торњевима. Представљене су основне карактеристике система локалне и глобалне дистрибуције. Посебно је истакнут утицај карактеристика млазнице на униформну дистрибуцију воде преко површине испуне и на укупни топлотни капацитет система. На примјеру расхладног торња приказане су основне карактеристике дистрибутора воде и резултати провјере расхладног учинка влажног расхладног торња. Такође, представљене су криве хлађења у зависности од степена неравномјерности дистрибуције воде и пречника млазнице.
- СтавкаFEASIBILITY STUDY FOR REPLACMENT HEATING SYSTEM ON NATURAL GAS WITH PELLET BOILERS AT PRIMARY SCHOOL "SVETI SAVA " IN LUKAVICA(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2014) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Halilović, Velid; Milić, Davor; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, Ranko; Kraišnik, MilijaThis study describes the possibility of installation of pellet boilers for the production of thermal energy for heating in the primary school "Sveti Sava" in Lukavica. Existing heating system with natural gas turned out to be very expensive with high costs in terms of consumption of natural gas on annual level but also due to the high price of natural gas. Alternative possibility of heating premises within the school is seen in the installation of boilers that use wood pellets as an energy source. Above all, wood pellet represents an environmentally clean fuel in terms of CO2 emissions, but also because of the availability of resource from nearby factories that produce pellets, it can be used as a domestic fuel. In this way, the story of sustainable community development is encouraged, as well as the flow of capital within the community is closed .