Application of internet of things in food packaging and transportation

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Inderscience Enterprises Ltd
Food safety is a scientific field which includes a number of routines and inspections at every stage of the food chain that should be adopted to avoid potentially dangerous health risks. Novel and efficient solutions across the supply chain are the consequence of constant upgrades of information and communication technologies. With the help of internet of things (IoT) connected testing equipment, food quality can be monitored at any point from farm to table, connecting at the same time food producers, transportation and hospitality/retail companies. Relying on the fact that food transporting and packaging units are the most critical points in food production, the survey of IoT applications in food packaging and transportation is given in this paper. To demonstrate the significance of IoT appliance and defined concepts, a proposal of low cost solution based on IoT for real-time food traceability and monitoring in food transportation process is presented.
Кључне речи
food packaging; monitoring; transportation; traceability; internet of things; IoT; Raspberry Pi; RPi.