Geoecological importance of wetlands transformation into agricultural landscape: example of Pančevački Rit in Serbia

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Athens : World Scientific and Engineering Acad and Soc
Belgrade’s suburban region of the Pančevački Rit (378.6 km2) is located in the southwestern part of Banat, between the Danube and Tamiš rivers. In the past, the Pančevački Rit was typical marsh region, often flooded by rivers Danube and Tamiš. Some areas of Pančevački Rit were poorly populated, and people lived in pile dwellings (stilt houses), and because of that, village Borča was called Serbian Venice. By the construction of a dam, with an irregular oval shape, around the Pančevački Rit, and melioration systems, in 1934th, this area has undergone landscape geography transformation, and from wetlands was converted to agricultural area, suitable for habitation. Thus, Pančevački Rit has grown in Belgrade’s suburban agricultural region with the largest agricultural conglomerate in Serbia – PIK Belgrade, which supplies Belgrade and its catchment area with agricultural products. In this paper we analyze how new technologies can be used in creation of useful map of landscape geography transformation.
Кључне речи
landscape transformation, Belgrade’s suburban region, informational technology