Integration of Simulation and Lean Tools in Effective Production Systems – Case Study

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Assoc. of Mechanical Eng. and Technicians of Slovenia
Production systems that are by their structure designed according to principles of group technology must, despite their perfection, rapidly adapt to changes in surroundings and engage in a battle with their market rivals. First of all, they must get closer to customers and suppliers, representing one of first principles of lean philosophy. It is one of the ways to successfully valorise comparative values with competition, despite its internal restructuring. This paper presents the influence of certain lean tools as well as application of statistical analyses, simulation and graphics tools for achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency of production systems. Application or integration of these tools enables shortening of the production cycle, reduces the degree of complexity of material flows, reduces the supplies and expenditure of energy resources while it creates an increased degree of functionality of the organisation, utilization of workspace etc. Combination of different tools presented in this paper can valorise new technological, organisational and informational achievements in production that will secure an even better position on the market for industrial systems.
Кључне речи
lean, effective systems, group technology, simulation