Mathematical Modelling of Natural and Social Context at Preschool Level of Education

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Faculty of teacher education, Zagreb, Croatia
This work indicates the importance of mathematical modelling, which results in the adoption of mathematical concepts through development of problem-solving abilities and logical-mathematical thinking. Teaching methodology literature perceives mathematical modelling as a frame for learning mathematics within which other sciences and scopes of life are studied through mathematical contents. For preschool children, it is the world they live in, where each new situation represents a real natural problem. Mathematical modelling is another social experience and novelty in their lives. At an early age, modelling is a revealing activity that entails mathematisation of a real situation and creation of a model. This enables children to focus their attention on different types of presentation of the variable relations. This paper presents the research of preschool teachers’ attitudes about values of mathematical modelling, its appropriateness for early childhood, and possible application in preschool mathematics learning. By using the questionnaire on the sample of 197 subjects, the obtained results confirm preschool teachers’ positive attitude towards modelling, but also the insufficient knowledge about theoretical and practical trends related to this topic.
Кључне речи
early childhood; learning in context; logical-mathematical thinking; problem-solving abilities; visual models