Environmental Suitability of the City of East Sarajevo for the Location of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Site Using a GIS Based Multi-Criteria Analysis

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World production growth affected a rise in the amount of waste generated. In these circumstances proper waste management becomes a highly important issue. The protection of the environment from degradation requires a multi-dimensional approach to this problem. Integration of multicriteria decision making with the geographic information systems provides a useful methodology and a helpful instrument in waste management, particularly in the assessment of environmental suitability for the location of municipal solid waste disposal sites. Multidimensional approach is realized through analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in the determination of sub-criteria and criteria values and final site selection. Geographic information systems (GIS) provide spatial data input and give an insight into final result of the decision-making process. Integrated methodology is applied in suitability analysis of the City of East Sarajevo for the location of municipal solid waste disposal site (MSWDS). Ten criteria were evaluated through pair-wise comparison matrices and suitability map was obtained using weighted linear combination algorithm in GIS. Extracting high suitability area, the largest locations were evaluated through AHP according to ten criteria and final site selection was made. The results indicate high applicability of integrated multi-criteria analysis and GIS methodologies for coordination of decision-making process in spatially oriented issues of environmental management
Кључне речи
multi-criteria analysis, GIS, municipal waste management, environmental suitability, site selection