Consumer attitudes and preferences toward traditional meat products in the autonomous province of Vojvodina

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The purposes of this survey were to identify consumer attitudes and preferences toward special groups of traditional food products and to identify the position of meat products among traditional food products. An online questionnaire surveyed 540 respondents in the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia. The questionnaire was divided into two parts: 1) socio‑demographic characteristics and 2) consumer attitudes and preferences toward traditional food products and the position of meat products within these foods. Traditional food products that were reported as mostly consumed in Vojvodina are meat and meat products (85.4%), milk and milk products (65.1%), honey (64.5%) and products from fruit and vegetables (53%). Dry fermented sausages are the most prevalent group among traditional meat products (57.3%), followed by dry cured meat products (23.6%) and bacon (9.9%). Five of sixteen selected meat products that are consumed in Vojvodina were registered as Geographical Indication (GI) labelled product in the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia. All registered GI products belonged to the group of dry fermented sausages
Кључне речи
Traditional food products Traditional meat products Traditional dry fermented sausages Sremski kulen Petrovská klobása Lemeški kulen