The Location Selection for Roundabout Construction Using Rough BWM-Rough WASPAS Approach Based on a New Rough Hamy Aggregator

An adequately functionally located traffic infrastructure is an important factor in the mobility of people because it affects the quality of traffic, safety and efficiency of carrying out transportation activities. Locating a roundabout on an urban network is an imperative for road engineering to address traffic problems such as reduction of traffic congestion, enhancement of security and sustainability, etc. Therefore, this paper evaluates potential locations for roundabout construction using Rough BWM (BestWorst Method) and RoughWASPAS (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment) models. Determination of relative criterion weights on the basis of which the potential locations were evaluated was carried out using the Rough BWM method. In this paper, in order to enable the most precise consensus for group decision making, a Rough Hamy aggregator has been developed. The main advantage of the Hamy mean (HM) operator is that it can capture the interrelationships among multi-input arguments and can provide DMs more options. Until now, there is no research based on HM operator for aggregating imprecise and uncertain information. The obtained indicators are described through eight alternatives. The results show that the fifth and sixth alternatives are the locations that should have a priority in the construction of roundabouts from the perspective of sustainable development, which is confirmed throughout changes of parameter k and with comparing to other methods in the sensitivity analysis.
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Rough Hamy aggregator; sustainable traffic; Rough BWM; RoughWASPAS; construction; roundabou