Analysis of financial performance determinants: evidence from the european agricultural companies

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Federal Rural University of Pernambuco
The aim of this research is to analyze the key factors that have an impact on the company’s financial performance during seven-years period (2013-2019). The sample consists of 460 large and very large European agricultural companies engaged in plant cultivation. Taking into account the natural and technological potentials of plant production on the European market and its importance for sustainable economic growth, multiple regression model is used in order to research the financial performance of agricultural companies. The presented results pointed out that there are six variables (company’s size, asset tangibility, current liquidity, short-term financing, long-term financing, debt to asset) that have a statistically significant impact on financial performance. The identification of these factors provides useful guidelines on how to improve company’s financial performance in order to provide quality and competitiveness of plant production in the European and also world market. Competitive crop and vegetable production would provide the necessary preconditions for a competitive food industry that should ensure continuous industrial and investment growth, satisfactory rate of merchandise exports, growth of business efficiency and employment growth on the European market.
Кључне речи
Financial performance. Agriculture