Institutional Pedagogical Intervention in Early Years of Life on the Path of Lifelong Learning

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Teacher Training Faculty; University of Zagreb
The research presented in this paper focuses on establishing the relationship between institutional pedagogical interventions in early years of life, such as the programme before going to school, and early learning of children. This relationship is observed through established outcomes that define developmental changes of a child in all aspects of his development: physical, emotional and cognitive, and development of speech, communication and creativity. The task of the research was to determine the correlation between attending the preschool curriculum and the growth of certain developmental aspects in children as an indicator of early learning, while observing preschool education and education as a fundamental process for developing lifelong learning competence. Evaluation of the aspects of child development is carried out with the use of the Scale for determining developmental aspects of children, with the teachers who performed the evaluation of children starting the first grade also recording the data on attending preschool institutions. 1,439 children were monitored in 18 schools, which represents about 14% of the total population of children who attend the first grade in the Republic of Srpska, one of the entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of checking the relationship between involving children into the curriculum before going to school and the developmental aspects of children show that children who were involved in the curriculum have more expressed aspects of development, which also reflects onto more developed abilities for lifelong learning.
Кључне речи
aspects of child development; lifelong learning; preschool curriculum.