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- СтавкаThe Effect of Physical Education (PE) Class Management Using Badminton Materials to Improve Elementary School (ES) Students’ Concentration(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Komari, Amat; Setyawan, Hendra; Kriswanto, Erwin Setyo; Sujarwo; García-Jiménez, José Vicente; Pavlovic, Ratko; Nowak, Agnieszka Magdalena; Susanto, Nugroho; Kurniawan, Ari Wibowo; Gusliana HB; Purnomo Shidiq, Abdul Aziz; Putra, Al Malikul Ikhwanda; RoziahConcentration is needed for students to support successful learning achievement. Many students experience various con-centration problems, especially in elementary schools. This disturbance can come from improper use of gadgets, including playing games excessively. The research was quantitative in nature. It employed a pre-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design. The research sample involved 14 students who were taken using a purposive sampling method. The data about students’ concentration were collected from two tests, a GTC test before and after an intervention. They were then analyzed using paired sample t-test and n-gain score. The results of the paired samples statistics test showed that the pre-test value was 46.57 and the post-test value was 55.00. This result indicates an increase in students' concentration scores descriptively. Following that, a t-test was conducted on the paired sample, yielding a Sig value. 0.256 > 0.05. This means that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in students' concentration scores. An effectiveness test was also performed by calculating the n-gain score. The finding showed an average value of 0.10 and was classified as low. The conclusion is that the implementation of descriptive badminton material PE class manage-ment can increase the concentration of elementary school students, but there is no significant increase between pre-test and post-test scores in the groups or classes given the intervention. It is indicated that the increase in students’ concentration is caused by the PE intervention with badminton sports material. This finding is also confirmed by previous research, which stated that a significant rela-tionship exists between sports intensity and students' ability to concentrate on learning.
- СтавкаThe Importance of Archery Education Management in Physical Education Classes and Curriculum Programs for Students to Gain Skills in Many Areas(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Setyawan, Hendra; Suyanto; Sumaryanto; Suharjana; García-Jiménez, José Vicente; Pavlovic, Ratko; Nowak, Agnieszka Magdalena; Susanto, Nugroho; Darmawan, Arief; Gusliana HB; Purnomo Shidiq, Abdul Aziz; Hardianto; Rahmawati Suwanto, FeviThe research analyzes the urgency of implementing archery sports management as the development of 21st-century skill values in schools. This research is mixed method research. Samples were taken by purposive sampling. Quan-titative data were taken from 53 PE teachers. Meanwhile, qualitative data were obtained from 30 people, comprised of 15 PE teachers, five archery athletes, five students, and five archery coaches/trainers. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and qualitative analysis used data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Quantitative research re-sults showed that archery sports management needs to be implemented. This result was supported by qualitative data, which also showed that PE learning in schools with archery material is needed because it can develop cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and other positive values. This study concludes that it is important and necessary to implement archery sports management in PE to develop 21st-century skill values for students. The results recommend that PE teachers im-prove their competence in archery.