Прегледај по Аутор "Gvero, Petar"
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- СтавкаANALIZA OSJETLJIVOSTI SNABDIJEVAČKIH LANACA DRVNIM PELETOM ZA REALNE USLOVE KOJI ODGOVARAJU BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2018) Vasković, Srđan; Radović, Zoran; Batinić, Krsto; Halilović, Velid; Gvero, Petar; Gajić, Anto; Mrkić, Maja Bosančić; Golubović, Dušan; Košarac, Aleksandar; Jeremić, DejanBiomasa predstavlja značajan obnovljivi resurs. Posebno ako se njenom korišćenju prilazi sistematski i uz dobro planiranje. Drvna biomasa je najznačajniji predstavnik biomase koji se već uveliko koristi u proizvodnji peleta. S obzirom da je veliki broj mašina, postrojenja, ljudi i opreme uključen u proizvodni lanac peleta, potrebno je ustanoviti koji to faktori i koliko utiču na ovaj proces. Prije svega misli se na konačno formiranje cijene drvnog peleta i njegove zavisnosti od drugih energenata, cijena sirove biomase, transportnih distanci, cijene električne energije i slično. Ovaj rad je spojio proizvodni lanac peleta sa postrojenjem i distribucijom toplote u objekat preko odgovarajućeg matematičkog modela. Upravo smo u prošle dvije godine bili svjedoci nedostataka drvnog peleta i naglog porasta njegove cijene na tržištu. To svakako dodatno promoviše ovu problematiku i daje joj smisao za istraživanje. Postavlja se pitanje šta su realni uslovi pri kojima treba da dođe do povećanja cijena peleta na tržištu i za koliko? Odgovore na to daje ovaj rad.
- СтавкаApplication of Multi Criteria Decision Making for the Selection of Optimal Solid Wood Fuel Supply(Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, 2018) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Batinić, Krsto; Halilović, Velid; Medaković, Vlado; Musić, JusufProduction of solid fuels from wooden biomass is defined with appropriate energy chain of supply. The notion of energy chain concept has been defined as the trajectory of energy transformations from the fuel source or energy sources to useful energy form to end users. Supply chain for production solid fuels from wooden biomass is also energy chain with high importance in biomass energy planning. In this paper, base for testing and research is developed mathematical model in previous published paper with preliminary note titled as “Multi-Criteria Optimization Concept for the Selection of Optimal Solid Fuels Supply Chain from Wooden Biomass“ at Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. Three supply chains have been included in comparison: production of wood chips at the terminal – variant 1, production of pellet – variant 2 and production of wood chips by means of a mobile chipper in a forest – variant 3. The VIKOR methodology is used for total ranking all mentioned chains. Real input data have been used for mathematical calculation correspond to Bosnia and Herzegovina conditions.
- СтавкаBuilding Capacities for Sustainable Energy in Municipalities of Western Balkans(Instituut vóór Duurzame Ontwikkeling vzw, 2016) Kordas, Olga; Pasichnyi, Oleksii; Pereverza, Kateryna; Mulder, Karel; Segalas, Jordi Coral; Tejedor, Gemma; Ivezić, Dejan; Živković, Marija; Babić, Milun; Končalović, Davor; Gvero, Petar; Vasković, Srđan; Vujadinović, Radoje; Nikiforovich, EugeneThis paper discusses challenges of capacity building in sustainable urban energy planning and development in Western Balkan Countries (WBC). It identifies needs in training of municipal staff and addresses obstacles for transferring sustainable energy education from EU universities to universities of WBC. The analysis of the ten training courses developed and piloted in collaboration with academic and non-academic stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia shows that while international cooperation has a good potential to improve quality of capacity building and to catalyse university-society collaboration in WBC, significant efforts on national and local (university) levels are needed to fully capitalise on these opportunities. In particular, it is necessary to enhance an interdisciplinary approach to education in sustainable energy, incorporating economic, social and institutional aspects of energy production and consumption together with the technical ones. On the national level, the lifelong learning system should get political and financial support in WBC to ensure efficiency and continuity of the training activities.
- СтавкаComparative characteristics of compressed natural gas CNG and wood biomass supply chains(Šumarski Fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2023-07-31) Vasković, Srđan; Kozić, Dušan; Ašonja, Goran; Gvero, Petar; Munjić, Aleksandar; Avdagić, AdmirIn this paper, general characteristics related to the supply chain of compressed natural gas (eng. CNG - Compressed Natural Gas) are given. Compressed natural gas is stored in a compressed gas state in tanks (bottles), in contrast to liquefied natural gas (eng. LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas) in which natural gas is stored in liquid form. The production and storage of compressed natural gas is somewhat cheaper compared to liquid natural gas, with the fact that the storage volumes are different. From all of this, there is a need to analyze the supply chain with CNG from the aspect of the compression process, transportation and storage costs. This paper describes the process of exploitation of CNG as a fuel for the conditions of functioning of the supply chain in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Real data related to the process of compression, transportation and storage of natural gas were taken from the company: “Prvo gasno društvo” D.O.O. Zvornik. The paper analyzed the indicators of the chain like energy efficiency, CO2 emissions and production cost reduced per 1 kWh of energy expressed in the lower heat value (LHV) of the distributed fuel. Also, a short comparison of the supply chains by CNG, wood pellets and chips as fuels is presented by the MCDM method. From the aspect of transport logistics, CNG has significantly better predispositions compared to other supply chains of pellets and wood chips, taking into account the energy efficiency of its process as well as the cost of supply logistics itself. However, CNG belongs to the category of fossil fuels.
- СтавкаCOMPARING THE ACCURACY OF MASTER MODEL AND THEIR REPLICAS PRODUCED BY RAPID TOOLING USING VACUUM CASTING(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2019) Kraišnik, Milija; Ilić, Jovica; Jotić, Goran; Mačkić, Tihomir; Anić, Jelica; Gvero, Petar; Prochaska, BiljanaIn this paper we compared the accuracy of an original master model which was used to make the silicone mold and mold cavity and its replicas obtained by the vacuum casting technology. This technology allows us to create small batches of parts based on the master model in a relatively short time. The aim of the paper is to compare the accuracy of replicas produced with the OEM part using a reversible engineering technique, that is, CAD to part.
- СтавкаDETERMINATION VALUES OF FINANCIAL SUBSIDIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXERGY QUALITY FOR FUELS AND HEAT PRODUCED FROM BIOMASS(Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, University Politehnica Timisoara, 2017) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Kalabić, Dragana; Medaković, Vlado; Husika, AzrudinThe importance of bioenergy is particularly evident in recent years. The most important part in bioenergy supply chain is production of fuels. Due to cheaper energy production from fossil fuels, energy from biomass is less competitive than fossil energy. For this reason, there are subsidies for energy production from biomass. In the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina there are defined only subvention for electricity produced from biomass, while the lower forms of energy are not subsidized. In accordance with the defined amount of subsidies for 1 kWh of the produced electricity we can define the value of subsidies for the produced heat energy and fuels from biomass. For that we should take into account exergy quality of these forms in comparison with electricity. This paper describes one such approach.
- СтавкаENERGETSKI INDEKS PROIZVODNJE DRVNOG ČIPSA(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2016) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Halilović, Velid; Ikić, Marko; Ašonja, Goran; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, RankoProizvodnja čvrstih biogrova definisana je odgovarajućim energetskim lancem snabdijevanja. Proces proizvodnje čvrstih goriva iz drvne biomase počinje sa tehnologijama za skupljanje drvnog ostatka, počev od obaranja stabla pa sve do sistema za preradu (za usitnjavanje, drobljenje, sušenje, presovanje ukoliko se pravi briket ili pelet). Efikasnost proizvodnje drvnog čipsa je u relaciji sa ukupnom uloženom energijom po 1 kWh donje toplotne moći proizvedenog goriva. Ovaj rad će prikazati analizu ukupno uložene energije u snabdijevačkom lanacu proizvodnje drvnog čipsa u funkciji od transportnih distanci i vlage u drvetu. Model za analizu energetskog indeksa proizvodnje drvnog čipsa urađen je u softverskom paketu Mathcad.
- СтавкаENERGY INDEX FOR THE PRODUCTION OF WOODEN CHIPS(University Politehnica Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, 2015) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Halilović, Velid; Ikić, Marko; Jokić, Srđan; Kalabić, DraganaProduction of solid fuels from wooden biomass is defined with appropriate energy chain of supply. Procedure for production of solid fuels from wooden biomass, starting with technology for gathering wooden residues and residues from logging up by the system of fuels production (system for milling, crushing, chopping, drying and pressing of wooden residues), presents energy chain of supply with solid fuel from biomass. Efficiency of production wooden chips is the relation of overall invested energy per 1 kWh of lower heating value of produced fuel. This paper will analyze total invested energy in supply chain for production wooden chips as a function transport distance and wood moisture. Paper will mathematically describe chain of wooden chips production from forest transported to the sawmill and to the terminal of processing. Mathematical model for calculation energy index developed in Mathcad software.
- СтавкаFEASIBILITY STUDY FOR REPLACEMENT HEATING SYSTEM ON NATURAL GAS WITH PELLET BOILERS AT PRIMARY SCHOOL “ST. SAVA” IN EAST SARAJEVO(University Politehnica Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, 2016) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Halilović, VelidThis study describes the possibility of installation of pellet boilers for the production of thermal energy for heating in the primary school “Sveti Sava” in Lukavica. Existing heating system with natural gas turned out to be very expensive with high costs in terms of consumption of natural gas on annual level but also due to the high price of natural gas. Alternative possibility of heating premises within the school is seen in the installation of boilers that use wood pellets as an energy source. Above all, wood pellet represents an environmentally clean fuel in terms of CO2 emissions, but also because of the availability of resource from nearby factories that produce pellets, it can be used as a domestic fuel. In this way, the story of sustainable community development is encouraged, as well as the flow of capital within the community is closed.
- СтавкаFEASIBILITY STUDY FOR REPLACMENT HEATING SYSTEM ON NATURAL GAS WITH PELLET BOILERS AT PRIMARY SCHOOL "SVETI SAVA " IN LUKAVICA(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2014) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Halilović, Velid; Milić, Davor; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, Ranko; Kraišnik, MilijaThis study describes the possibility of installation of pellet boilers for the production of thermal energy for heating in the primary school "Sveti Sava" in Lukavica. Existing heating system with natural gas turned out to be very expensive with high costs in terms of consumption of natural gas on annual level but also due to the high price of natural gas. Alternative possibility of heating premises within the school is seen in the installation of boilers that use wood pellets as an energy source. Above all, wood pellet represents an environmentally clean fuel in terms of CO2 emissions, but also because of the availability of resource from nearby factories that produce pellets, it can be used as a domestic fuel. In this way, the story of sustainable community development is encouraged, as well as the flow of capital within the community is closed .
- СтавкаKOMPARACIJA EMISIJA CO2 ZA SNABDIJEVAČKE LANCE GORIVIMA OD DRVNE BIOMASE I UGLJA(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2016) Mrkić, Maja Bosančić; Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Halilović, Velid; Petrović, Daliborka; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, RankoPotrošnja fosilnih goriva za aktiviranje mehanizacije za prikuplјanje, transport i preradu biomase u neku vrstu čvrstih goriva stvara određenu količinu uglјen – dioksida (CO2) koja se emituje u atmosferu. S druge strane ako se posmatra jedan snabdijevački lanac energijom iz fosilnog goriva (uglja) tada imamo isto sličnu situaciju što se tiče emisija za aktivaciju mehanizacije. Međutim, ključna razlika je u tome što sagorijevanje biomase u nekom postrojenju tretira se kao CO2 neutralno, dok se kod sagorijevanja uglja uzima ekvivalentna vrijednost emisije CO2 jer se u pitanju fosilno gorivo. Ovaj rad vrši komparaciju emisija koje se pojavljuju u ova dva tipa energetskih lanca.
- СтавкаMulti-Criteria Optimization Concept for the Selection of Optimal Solid Fuels Supply Chain from Wooden Biomass(Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet šumarstva i drvne tehnologi, 2015) Vasković, Srđan; Halilović, Velid; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Musić, JusufProduction of solid fuels from wooden biomass is defined with appropriate energy chain of supply. Production procedure of solid fuels from wooden biomass, starting with technology for gathering wood residues and residues from logging up by the system of fuel production (system for milling, crushing, chopping, drying and pressing of wood residues), represents the energy chain of supply of solid fuel from biomass. Every single energy chain of supply and production of certain form of solid fuel from wooden biomass can be uniquely defined with three general criteria. These criteria are: energy efficiency of production, economy of production and environmental criteria. Efficiency of production is the relation of overall energy consumption per 1 kWh of heating value of produced fuel. When we talk about the economical aspect of production of solid fuels we take into account all production costs per 1 kWh of heating value of biofuel produced. Forest biomass is scattered and the need for its collection and transport require certain consumption of fossil fuel. Consumption of fossil fuel is needed to run mechanization to collect, transport and prepare biomass. Consumption of fossil fuels causes the emission of GHG. Ecological criteria for the estimation of production process of bio energy can be defined as emission of GHG per 1 kWh of heating value of produced fuel. Besides general criteria to estimate the quality of production of energy from biomass, there are specific criteria. Specific criteria regarding several characteristics are tightly related to applied technologies, potentials and barriers during the use of biomass. This paper analyzes only specific investment in selected chain of energy supply. The paper mathematically describes four characteristic cases of solid biofuel production from wooden biomass. These cases are: production of wooden chips from forest biomass with mobile chipper, production of wooden chips from wooden residues transported from sawmill to processing terminal, production of wooden briquette from mill residues transported into briquette factory, production of wooden pellet from mill residues transported into pellet factory. For overall ranking of energy chain of wooden biomass supply and selection of optimum variant, multicriteria optimization and VIKOR method is used.
- СтавкаMULTI–CRITERIA DECISION MODELING OF THE OPTIMAL COMBINATION FOR ENERGY SUPPLY SCENARIO: TEST MODEL FOR DANISH ENERGY SECTOR DATA(University Politehnica Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, 2022) Mrkić, Maja Bosančić; Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, PetarWith the development of renewable energy sources, the energy sector is in a constant process of transition. This is mostly due to the increasing share of renewable energy sources in the total percentage of energy needs. The main issue in finding a solution to replace the use of fossil fuels is what methods and approaches are used to design present and future optimal energy scenarios for countries, regions and local communities in strategic terms. This problem certainly depends on several factors and to get an answer to this question it is necessary to define a list of criteria that will describe existing and future energy scenarios. In order to find the optimal variant of the scenario in which both renewable and non–renewable energy sources will be included, it is necessary to use MCDM methods. In this paper, the VIKOR method was used to search for the optimal value of the energy mix scenario, while the Entropy method and the AHP method were used to define the weights of the optimization criteria. As reference data for testing the developed mathematical model to search the optimal combination of energy mix, data related to the Danish energy sector for the reference year 2015 were used as a demonstration.
- СтавкаNumerical research of thermal stress in a gas burner with a cylindrical mantle in relation to its construction(2020) Prohaska, Biljana; Radić, Nebojša; Gvero, PetarOver the last few years there has been a great interest in research into the improvement of gas condensing boilers with pre-mixing. Many researchers are concerned with the improvement of the construction of these boilers, whose individual parts directly affect some parameters such as combustion efficiency, burning intensity, flame stability and NOx emissions. The outer mantle of a cylindrical burner stands out among the parts of the structure as the said parameters depend on it This paper analyses the outer cylinder of the premixed burner in relation to thermal stress. Numerical FEM analysis was performed based on experimental measurements and CFD input data. The tests were carried out in different gas and different materials. The results obtained show different thermal stresses which are dependent on the different gas and materials on the outer cylindrical mantle. This indicates the necessity to optimize materials and patterns applied to the outer cylindrical mantle of the burner, which will be the subject of further research.
- СтавкаODREĐIVANJE TEŽINA KRITERIJUMA U PROCESIMA OPTIMIZACIJE ENERGETSKIH LANACA GORIVA BAZIRANIH NA DRVNOJ BIOMASI(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2022) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Simić, Stojan; Krunić, Gojko; Halilović, Velid; Popović, Slavenko; Mrkić, Maja BosančićVrednovanje procesa proizvodnje energije iz različitih resursa predstavlja kompleksan zadatak. Taj zadatak mora uzeti u obzir različite tehnologije, manje ili veće proizvodne i investicione troškove, štetne uticaje na životnu sredinu (obnovljivi ili fosilni izvori energije), zatim energetske specifikacije posmatranih lanaca snabdijevanja gorivima i energijom. Višekriterijumska analiza i optimizacija je metodologija koja se bavi u opštem slučaju vrednovanjem skupova različitih alternativa. Kao takva, ova metodologija je idealna za pronalaženje optimalnih varijanti snabdijebanja energijom za usvojeni set kriterijuma prema kojima se vrši proces optimizacije. Za izbor optimalne varijante potrebno je ustanoviti adekvatne težine kriterijuma iz postojećeg skupa alternativa. Postoje različite metode za izbor težinskih faktora koje su uglavnom svedene na subjektivne i objektivne metode ili njihovu kombinaciju. U ovom radu koristiće se objektivna Metoda Entropije za određivanje težina kriterijuma za proces višekriterijumske optimizacije i njen uticaj na izbor optimalnog lanca snabdijevanja u odnosu na varijantu ujednačenih težinskih koeficijenata. Razlog za njenu primjenu se svodi na objektivnost prilikom donošenja odluka i isključivanje donosioca odluke iz tog procesa.
- СтавкаODREĐIVANJE VRIJEDNOSTI SUBVENCIJA U SKLADU SA EKSERGETSKIM KVALITETOM ZA GORIVA I TOPLOTU PROIZVEDENU OD BIOMASE(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2016) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Husika, Azrudin; Kalabić, Dragana; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, RankoZnačaj proizvodnje energije iz biomase je posebno izražen u posljednje vrijeme. Najznačajniji dio u procesu proizvodnje energije iz biomase je lanac snabdijevanja i proizvodnja goriva od biomase. Zbog jeftinije proizvodnje energije iz fosilnih goriva, energija iz biomase je manje konkurentna od fosilne energije. Iz tog razloga se vrši subvencioniranje proizvodnje energije iz biomase. U Republici Srpskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini definisano je samo subvencioniranje električne energije proizvedene iz biomase, dok se niži oblici energije ne subvencioniraju. Da bi se definisala vrijednost subvencije za proizvedenu toplotu i goriva od biomase, treba se uzeti u obzir eksergetski kvalitet ovih formi. Ovaj rad opisuje jedan takav pristup.
- СтавкаOPTIMAL ENERGY MIX IN RELATION TO MULTICRITERIA DECISION-MAKING (MCDM), REVIEW AND FURTHER RESEARCH DIRECTIONS(2023-06-16) Mrkić-Bosančić, Maja; Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Krunić, GojkoThe need for a transition to a society that will meet its energy needs from local resources and with minimal negative environmental impact is no longer presented as an option but as a necessity. Energy resources are limited, and it is necessary to ensure that they are properly used and managed in a sustainable manner. Optimal redistribution of energy supply from different energy generation and distribution options to end users within the local community is called the energy mix. What sets itself the task is to find this way of sustainable use of all available energy and energy types from local communities, different regions to the entire country. This is not a simple task, because it includes many variables that must all be considered. Therefore, it is necessary to classify and define universal criteria (sustainability), which describe ways of supplying energy and energy in a particular locality. The criteria mainly describe energy needs, availability of energy resources, existing technologies, economic and environmental indicators, qualitative and quantitative values of different energy supply options. This paper aims to review the state of play in optimal energy mix research in relation to the local community. Also, this paper provides an overview and importance of the application of MCDM methods in this area. As a way out, in this paper we propose conclusions, directions and research opportunities in the field of seeking the optimal energy mix supply for local community, region or state, connected to the importance MCDM tools.
- СтавкаOPTIMIZATION OF ENERGY MIX AND POSSIBILITIES OF ITS APPLICATION IN ENERGY TRANSITION USING MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION MAKING APPROACH(Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2023) Mrkić-Bosančić, Maja; Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Bakić, VukmanThe process of optimizing energy production is becoming increasingly important with the development and use of RES and energy efficiency measures. Given that these are optimization processes that require taking into account several indicators according to which the set of optimal technologies for energy production will be ranked, and take their percentage share in the total percentage of energy supply. Indicators describing the process of energy production and utilization include technological, environmental, economic, energy, and limiting domains of their application. From that aspect, when the energy supply process is optimized from several possible alternatives according to the optimization factors defined in this way and the percentage of participation from each is calculated, a very realistic picture of the optimal energy mix of a state or local community is obtained. In this paper, a comparison of the energy mix for Copenhagen, Denmark and Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina is made. The process of comparing energy mixes was made possible by a previously developed mathematical model for optimizing and searching for an optimal energy mix based on the compromise ranking method, also known as the VIKOR, as well as entropy and analytic hierarchy process methods for defining weight values of criteria describing energy mix. Since we know that the introduction of new RES and the replacement of fossil fuels with them is a process of transition of existing energy sectors, the approach presented in this paper would greatly facilitate the transition process itself.
- СтавкаPYROLYSIS AS A KEY PROCESS IN BIOMASS COMBUSTION AND THERMOCHEMICAL CONVERSION(Vinča Nuclear Research Institute, Belgrade, Srbija, 2016) Gvero, Petar ; Papuga, Saša; Mujanić, Indir; Vasković, SrđanBiomass is a fuel with a highly volatile content and due to that, pyrolysis as a part of the combustion process, has a dominant role in the overall process devel-opment, as well as on final products and the process efficiency. It is of key im-portance to investigate the influence of the process parameters; as temperature, furnace/reactor environment, fuel properties, type, particle size, geometry, and the structure of the pyrolysis process has an influence regards the design of the combustion/pyrolysis equipment and the final products of the processes. This pa-per gives some results of the investigation’s related to this problem, mainly fo-cussing on wooden biomass as the most important biomass type, as well as a comparison with relevant documented literature. Besides that, pyrolysis based technologies are one of the key directions in synthetic fuels production based on biomass. Biomass pyrolysis process parameters are crucial in reactor design as well as the quantity and quality of the final products. This paper provides discus-sion dedicated to this aspect with a focus on slow pyrolysis, targeting charcoal as the key product, and fast pyrolysis, targeting synthetic gas as the key product.
- СтавкаReview of Synthetic Fuels and New Materials Production Based on Pyrolysis Technologies(Springer, 2017) Gvero, Petar; Mujanić, Indir; Saša, Papuga; Srđan, Vasković; Ranko, AnatunovićThe production of synthetic fuels and new materials from biomass is a wide subject, and because of that, the author has decided to focus on thermochemical conversion processes, particularly pyrolysis, which is a widely used technology and one of the most promising for synthetic fuel production. The technology of pyrolysis is explained, as well as the differences between slow and fast pyrolysis. Fast pyrolysis technology is particularly promising for liquid fuel production and is specially processed, as are the types of pyrolysis reactors commonly used in practice, such as fluidized beds and ablative, vacuum and microwave reactors. According to the demand of certain technologies for the use of pyrolysis products for energy, some requirements in regard to the quality of the products are very strict, and technologies related to the use of catalysts and catalytic processes in pyrolysis have been analyzed. Liquid products of the pyrolysis process were analyzed from the perspective of content and use in the energy sector, as well as in the chemical industry. Analysis related to the gaseous products of pyrolysis and their use for energy purposes is also presented.