Прегледај по Аутор "Kozina, Zhanneta"
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- СтавкаEffect Of Improving Lumbar Mobility, Spinal Stability; With Core Stability Training To Achieve Personal Best Runner(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Zulhasniati, Zulhasniati; Prasetyo, Yudik; Susanto, Nugroho; Igoresky, Andre; Putra, Yogi Arnaldo; Fitriady, Gema; Anam, Khoiril; Kozina, Zhanneta; Pavlovic, Ratko; Eken, Özgür; Latino, Francesca; Tafuri, Francesco; Nurhuda, PradictaRunning consists of simple basic movements, and to achieve these simple basic movements requires good mobility and stability, because the weakening of mobility and stability of the body causes misalignment or weakness of the legs so as to interfere with the absorption or propulsion phase in leg movement while running. Apply appropriate exercise methods to improve lumbar mobility and spinal stability. One training method that can be used is the core stability training method. Core stability is an exercise model to improve the ability to control the position of trunk movement through the pelvis and legs to allow optimal motion production. This study aims to ascertain whether core stability training can improve lumbar mobility and spinal stability in running athletes. The study used an experimental method with a research pattern using a group pretest-posttest design. 10 running athletes were sampled according to the criteria to be treated in the form of core stability training for 6 weeks. The athletes were assessed before and after training using the Functional Reach Test and Unilateral Hip Bridge Endurance. This study showed that there was a significant effect between core stability training and lumbar mobility (P = 0.000) and spinal stability (P = 0.000) in athletes. The results of this study show that the application of core stability exercises can increase the ability of lumbar mobility and spinal stability, so if the core stability exercises are done properly, they can increase stability in the spine and mobility in the lumbar, which causes dynamic limb movement to be more efficient.
- СтавкаInjury Risk Analysis of Soccer Academy Students: A Review of Functional Movement Screen Scores and Demographic Data(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Anam, Khoiril; Setiowati, Anies; Nurrachmad, Limpad; Indardi, Nanang; Nur Azmi, Dina Aprilia; Aditia, Eva Ayu; Irawan, Fajar Awang; Susanto, Nugroho; Latino, Francesca; Tafuri, Francesco; Pavlović, Ratko; Setyawan, Hendra; Kozina, ZhannetaThe intense daily activities of students at the SPSS soccer academy can lead to excessive fatigue, which can decrease physical quality and cause injury. This study aims to analyze the level of injury risk of soccer academy students by reviewing FMS scores and demographic data. This study employed a descriptive observational research method. Research data were collected using tests and measurements. Seventy-two male soccer academy students participated in this study with the following details: mean age 15±2.1 years, BMI 19.8±2.1 kg/m², and TD 1.2±0.1 years. The data were obtained from the FMS instrument and height and weight tests. They were then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the FMS score showed that subjects aged 14-17 years were most at risk of injury in the moderate category. In terms of BMI, the FMS scores showed that subjects at a high risk of injury were one in the underweight category, nine in the normal weight category, and one in the obesity grade 1 category. This study concludes that, based on demographic data, SPSS academy students in the age group of 14 years are more likely to experience injuries than students in the age group of 16 and 17 years. Furthermore, it is concluded that SPSS academy students with an average BMI are in the normal weight category, with SPSS academy student subjects having a moderate risk of injury. Based on the length of training, most SPSS academy students have 1-3 years, with the most risk of injury in the moderate risk category. Future research is expected to choose research subjects with BMI in the obese category and from various other age groups.
- СтавкаManagement for Strengthening Literacy Learning Culture Physical Education In Secondary Schools in Indonesia(2024) Mardiyah, Siti Umi Khayatun; Setyawan, Hendra; Pavlovic, Ratko; Darmawan, Arief; Susanto, Nugroho; Kozina, ZhannetaThis research explores the management of strengthening literacy culture in Physical Education (PE) 2013 Curriculum learning at Indonesia’s junior high school level, combines concurrent embedded model research, with quantitative methods as primary methods and qualitative methods as secondary methods. The quantitative research sample was 105 junior high school PE teacher respondents in eight provinces who represented descriptions of strengthening the literacy culture of PE learning in their respective schools. The qualitative sample consisted of 6 participants consisting of 2 principals, 3 curriculum representatives, and 1 senior middle school PE teacher. Quantitative data was taken using a 1-4 Likert scale questionnaire, while qualitative data was taken using semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data analysis uses descriptive statistics with the help of SPSS, while qualitative data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The quantitative research results show that planning to strengthen literacy culture in learning is included in the good category, with a score of 88.73%. This is supported by qualitative data, which states that the planning to strengthen the PE learning literacy culture has gone well. The implementation of strengthening literacy culture in learning is also in the good category, with a score of 87.08%. This is supported by qualitative data, which states that the implementation of strengthening PE learning literacy culture has been carried out and is going quite well. The assessment of strengthening literacy culture in learning is in a good category, with a score of 84.76%. This is supported by qualitative data, which states that the assessment of strengthening literacy culture in PE learning in the 2013 curriculum has gone well. Supporting factors for the implementation of strengthening literacy culture in PE learning in the 2013 curriculum from the aspects of planning, implementation, and assessment, namely: Availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure, a conducive learning atmosphere, the concept of implementing the 2013 curriculum, local government regulations that encourage school literacy movements, consistency of the head schools, the enthusiasm and skills of teaching staff, student motivation for literacy, as well as the implementation of comprehensive tests to measure student learning outcomes.
- СтавкаThe effect of FIFA 11+ kids warm-up program on agility in football: An experimental study El efecto del programa de calentamiento FIFA 11+ kids en la agilidad en el fútbol: Un estudio experimental(Federacion Espanola de Docentes de Educacion Fisica, 2024) Anam, Khoiril; Setiowati, Anies; Indardi, Nanang; Awang Irawan, Fajar; Aditia, Eva Ayu; Amrulloh, Aziz; Susanto, Nugroho; Eken, Özgür; Setyawan, Hendra; Pavlović, Ratko; Kozina, ZhannetaInjury is one of the problems that often occurs in young football players. The players are encouraged to carry out the FIFA 11+ Kids, a warm-up program to minimize injuries for football players. This study aims to determine the effect of this program on young football players’ agility. This research was an experimental study with a pretest and posttest control group design. Using a purposive sampling technique, the research selected 20 football school students as the research sample. The samples were 11-12 years old. To collect data, the research used the Illinois agility test, aiming to measure the level of agility. The data were then administered using the Wilcoxon test with a significant p-value <5%. This study found a significant difference between the results of speed meas-urements before and after being given the FIFA 11+ Kids warm-up treatment. In the treatment group, the average pretest result was 19.03±0.74, with a score range of 17.50-20 seconds. Meanwhile, the average posttest result was 18.28±0.84, with a score range of 16.75-19.78 seconds. The p-value was 0.005 (p<5%). This study concludes that the FIFA 11+ Kids program can improve the agility of young football players. Despite the promising results, this research suggests further investigation to add research samples from various demographic characteristics.
- СтавкаVegetative regulation of vascular tone and features of the nervous system of pedagogical universities students. Is there a relationship with professional specialization?(H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 2023) Kozin, Oleksii; Kozina, Zhanneta; Cretu, Marian; Boychuk, Yurii; Pavlovic, Ratko; Garmash, Iryna; Berezhna, YaroslavaPurpose. To select recommendations on the use of physical culture means for students of future teachers, it is necessary to identify their functional features and genetically determined properties of the nervous system. Purpose: to reveal the relationship between the performance of the nervous system, orthostatic test and professional specialization of students of pedagogical universities. Material and methods. Students from 9 different faculties of Ukraine's leading pedagogical institute took part in the study. The total number of subjects was 841 people. Soon the reactions were determined by the program "Psychodiagnostics". Vegetative regulation of vascular tone were determined by the results of heart rate different between in the in the standing position and supine position. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the Duncan method was then conducted to determine the influence of the faculty of education on the testing indicators.. A correlation analysis of testing indicators and ranks of faculties was carried out using the Tau-b Kendall method. Results. Students of all experimental faculties were divided into 4 groups according to the number of errors in the choice reaction test based on the results of variance analysis (Duncan method). Faculties were divided into ranks from the first to the fourth. A significant negative correlation of the rank of the faculty according to the indicator of the strength and speed of nervous processes with the heart rate in the standing position (p<0.05) and the difference between the heart rate in the standing and lying positions (p<0.01) was revealed. Conclusions. The results obtained are new in identifying differences in psychophysiological functions and orthostatic reactions among students of pedagogical universities of different faculties; also on the fact of the presence of a correlation between the rank of the faculty in terms of stability and strength of the nervous system of students and the features of their psychophysiological functions and orthostatic reactions. The new facts obtained in this study are the distribution of students into 4 groups according to the stability and strength of the nervous system (from the lowest values to the highest): group 1 - students of the faculties of primary and preschool education, group 2 - students of humanitarian faculties, group 3 - students of the faculty Arts, group 4 - students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports. Also new is the fact of revealing a significant negative correlation between indicators of mobility (reaction rate) and the stability of the nervous system (the number of errors when performing a reaction rate test) in students of pedagogical universities. It is expedient to use physical exercises in accordance with the professional characteristics and personal inclinations of students, who were divided into 4 groups according to the indicators of reaction speed and orthostatic test.