Modeling a LoRAWAN Network for Vehicle WildlifeCollision Avoidance System on Rural Roads
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The network of rural roads covers different types of terrain, including forest areas, pastures, arable land andsparsely populated areas. The safety of people and animals is a priority in traffi c on these roads. Early detectionof pedestrians, animals and other moving objects along the road can signifi cantly reduce the risk of accidents.As part of this research, a sensor system is being developed that can detect characteristics of living things inmotion, such as unexpectedly crossing the road without clear signs. Such timely detection of moving objectsenables adequate preventive measures and reduces potential traffi c accidents. The consequences of traffi caccidents of this type can cause serious damage to animals and people property, and road infrastructure. Thetopicality of this problem at the spatial and seasonal level is emphasized in studies that identify the hotspots ofthese accidents. Factors such as traffi c characteristics and road infrastructure are key to modeling protectivesystems on rural roads. The presented study investigates the deployment of sensor nodes and LoRAWANgateways for wildlife detection on rural roads, with the aim of reducing the risk of traffi c accidents caused byWildlife-Vehicle Collisions.
Кључне речи
Wildlife-Vehicle Collision (WVC), Internet of Vehicles (IoV), Roadside Unit (RSU), Vehicle-WildlifeCollision Avoidance (VWCA), Packet Delivery Ration (PDR)