Машински факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Scientific papers]
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Прегледај Машински факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Scientific papers] по Аутор "Ašonja, Goran"
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- СтавкаComparative characteristics of compressed natural gas CNG and wood biomass supply chains(Šumarski Fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2023-07-31) Vasković, Srđan; Kozić, Dušan; Ašonja, Goran; Gvero, Petar; Munjić, Aleksandar; Avdagić, AdmirIn this paper, general characteristics related to the supply chain of compressed natural gas (eng. CNG - Compressed Natural Gas) are given. Compressed natural gas is stored in a compressed gas state in tanks (bottles), in contrast to liquefied natural gas (eng. LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas) in which natural gas is stored in liquid form. The production and storage of compressed natural gas is somewhat cheaper compared to liquid natural gas, with the fact that the storage volumes are different. From all of this, there is a need to analyze the supply chain with CNG from the aspect of the compression process, transportation and storage costs. This paper describes the process of exploitation of CNG as a fuel for the conditions of functioning of the supply chain in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Real data related to the process of compression, transportation and storage of natural gas were taken from the company: “Prvo gasno društvo” D.O.O. Zvornik. The paper analyzed the indicators of the chain like energy efficiency, CO2 emissions and production cost reduced per 1 kWh of energy expressed in the lower heat value (LHV) of the distributed fuel. Also, a short comparison of the supply chains by CNG, wood pellets and chips as fuels is presented by the MCDM method. From the aspect of transport logistics, CNG has significantly better predispositions compared to other supply chains of pellets and wood chips, taking into account the energy efficiency of its process as well as the cost of supply logistics itself. However, CNG belongs to the category of fossil fuels.
- СтавкаENERGETSKI INDEKS PROIZVODNJE DRVNOG ČIPSA(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2016) Vasković, Srđan; Gvero, Petar; Medaković, Vlado; Halilović, Velid; Ikić, Marko; Ašonja, Goran; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, RankoProizvodnja čvrstih biogrova definisana je odgovarajućim energetskim lancem snabdijevanja. Proces proizvodnje čvrstih goriva iz drvne biomase počinje sa tehnologijama za skupljanje drvnog ostatka, počev od obaranja stabla pa sve do sistema za preradu (za usitnjavanje, drobljenje, sušenje, presovanje ukoliko se pravi briket ili pelet). Efikasnost proizvodnje drvnog čipsa je u relaciji sa ukupnom uloženom energijom po 1 kWh donje toplotne moći proizvedenog goriva. Ovaj rad će prikazati analizu ukupno uložene energije u snabdijevačkom lanacu proizvodnje drvnog čipsa u funkciji od transportnih distanci i vlage u drvetu. Model za analizu energetskog indeksa proizvodnje drvnog čipsa urađen je u softverskom paketu Mathcad.