Прегледај Православни богословски факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Orthodox Theology [Scientific papers] по Тема "pastoral theology, New Atheism, Apologetics, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, William Lane Craig, Alister McGrath, religion, moral evil."
(Православни богословски факултет Светог Василија Острошког Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву, 2015) Golijanin, Vedran; Тупеша, Ненад
In this paper, the author explores the New Atheism movement in the West and contemporary Western apologetics. The goal of such research is to present the apologetics as a valid answer of the Church to modern science and atheistic conclusions based on it. Apologetics should be reestablished as a separate theological discipline that would help young theologians understand the issues in dialogue between New Atheism and Christianity, which are currently studied
briefly in pastoral theology.