Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper]
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Прегледај Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper] по Наслов
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- СтавкаAbility of managers for crisis management in small enterprises: study in Bosnia and Herzegovina(2017) Medaković, Vlado; Moljević, Slaviša; Gojković, Ranka; Vasković, SrđanSince the enterprise have been existing, crisis of enterprise is well-known. Researches in area of possible appearance crisis in small and medium size enterprises, and sciense enterprise management which is crisis, have large significance when we talk about survival those enterprises, apropos possible prevention their bancrot. We can see that theory is mostly dedicated to enterprises repairing. The early symptom in sight of crisis and prevention latent crisis of enterprise are pointed up. Crisis management and analysis of strategy for turn out from the crisis, as we can see in this is paper, expand views and enable giving certain recomendations for appliance in practice.
- СтавкаADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF FUNCTIONAL PARTS BASED ON MATERIAL EXTRUSION TECHNOLOGY(Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske, 2016) Šljivić, Milan; Fragassa, Cristiano; Pavlović, Ana; Kraišnik, Milija; Ilić, Jovica; Stanojević, MićoThis paper presents the advantages and the process of making of complex functional parts using additive manufacturing technology. Design and manufacturing of components were performed at the Laboratory for Technology of Plasticity and Processing Systems at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka. The parts were designed using SolidWorks and Catia software packages. Then, CatalystEX and Simplify3D software packages were used to process the CAD model and to prepare it for 3D printing, which included defining of the process parameters, generating layers and support. Functional parts were produced on 3D printers based on the principle of material extrusion. The results of this study show that additive manufacturing technology, specifically technology based on material extrusion, enables very fast production of complex functional parts, with high accuracy and much lower costs and development time compared to conventional technologies.
- СтавкаALGORITHM FOR PRODUCTION PROCESS MANAGEMENT IN OVERHAUL-PRODUCTION SYSTEM(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2013) Marić, Bogdan; Božičković, Ranko; Sorak, Miloš; Božičković, Zdravko; Golubovic Bugarski, ValentinaThis paper shows the development of algorithm for production management in companies which are engaged in overhaul of technical systems. First phase indicates the need to develop an algorithm for production management which involves overhaul of technical systems. Second phase points out the problems of companies which are engaged in overhaul of technical systems. Third phase defines a model of production management, as well as conditions and restrictions that govern the process. Fourth phase develops the algorithm, based on the defined model, for solving the problem of process management in companies which are engaged in overhaul of technical systems. Research has shown that the algorithm can be defined and used for process management in overhaul-production system, with the aim of increasing effectiveness and efficiency of the production system.
- СтавкаANALITIČKO ODREĐIVANJE SOPSTVENIH FREKVENCIJA POGONSKOG VRATILA(Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, 2016-12) Vučetić, Nikola; Košarac, Aleksandar; Blagojević, Mirko; Antunović, Ranko; Marković, Biljana; Antunović, RankoModalna analiza je dinamička analiza linearnih sistema sa N stepeni slobode koja se zasniva na metodi razvijanja po vlastitim oblicima ili tonovima. Kroz ovaj rad je prikazano analitičko određivanje sopstvenih frekvencija oscilovanja pogonskog vratila mjenjačkog prenosnika snage DMB 6.80.235 primjenom Ojler-Bernulijeve teorije greda. Dobijeni rezultati su poređeni sa rezultatima sopstvenih frekvencija baziranim na ranijim istraživanjima, a dobijenim na osnovu eksperimentalne postavke, kao i numeričkim putem uz upotrebu software-a Ansys Workbench 12.1. Konačan cilj rada je dobijanje pouzdanog matematičkog modela sprezanjem parcijanih prenosnih funkcija.
- СтавкаANALIZA NAPONSKOG STANJA KUKE KORIŠĆENJEM MKE(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2011) Trifković, Spasoje; Radić, Nebojša; Šehovac, Savo; Košarac, Aleksandar; Milutinović, MiroslavKuka je dio koji se najviše koristi za vješanje tereta kod dizalica. Težina kuke je teret koji dizalica mora uvijek dizati, čime se smanjuje nosivost i povećava potrebna snaga dizanja. Zbog toga, dimenzije kuke treba da imaju najmanje potrebne vrijednosti, pri propisanom stepenu sigurnosti. U ovom radu je izvršena analiza naponskog stanja kuke na uobičajeni način i uz pomoć računara, koristeći metodu konačnih elemenata (MKE). Uobičajeni način proračuna kuke se sastoji u provjeri napona u vlaknima materijala u pojedinim presjecima. Krivi dio kuke je proračunat na dva načina, približnom i tačnom metodom. U prvom slučaju je kuka posmatrana kao pravi stap ekscentrično opterećen, a u drugom kao krivi štap.
- СтавкаANALIZA OSJETLJIVOSTI SNABDIJEVAČKIH LANACA DRVNIM PELETOM ZA REALNE USLOVE KOJI ODGOVARAJU BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2018) Vasković, Srđan; Radović, Zoran; Batinić, Krsto; Halilović, Velid; Gvero, Petar; Gajić, Anto; Mrkić, Maja Bosančić; Golubović, Dušan; Košarac, Aleksandar; Jeremić, DejanBiomasa predstavlja značajan obnovljivi resurs. Posebno ako se njenom korišćenju prilazi sistematski i uz dobro planiranje. Drvna biomasa je najznačajniji predstavnik biomase koji se već uveliko koristi u proizvodnji peleta. S obzirom da je veliki broj mašina, postrojenja, ljudi i opreme uključen u proizvodni lanac peleta, potrebno je ustanoviti koji to faktori i koliko utiču na ovaj proces. Prije svega misli se na konačno formiranje cijene drvnog peleta i njegove zavisnosti od drugih energenata, cijena sirove biomase, transportnih distanci, cijene električne energije i slično. Ovaj rad je spojio proizvodni lanac peleta sa postrojenjem i distribucijom toplote u objekat preko odgovarajućeg matematičkog modela. Upravo smo u prošle dvije godine bili svjedoci nedostataka drvnog peleta i naglog porasta njegove cijene na tržištu. To svakako dodatno promoviše ovu problematiku i daje joj smisao za istraživanje. Postavlja se pitanje šta su realni uslovi pri kojima treba da dođe do povećanja cijena peleta na tržištu i za koliko? Odgovore na to daje ovaj rad.
- СтавкаANALIZA POUZDANOSTI PODSISTEMA ZA KOPANJE ROTORNOG BAGERA ER - 1250 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF BUCKET WHEEL DRIVE ON BUCKET-WHEEL EXCAVAVTOR ER - 1250(Elektrotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2010) Trifković, Spasoje; Kraišnik, Milija; Radić, NebojšaRad prikazuje izračunavanje pouzdanosti podsistema za kopanje bagera ER – 1250, za vremenski period od 2006. do 2009. godine. Za analizu otkaza korišćene su dvije metode iz teorije pouzdanosti, analiza stabla otkaza (FTA) i EFTES metoda alokacije pouzdanosti iz razloga njihove velike primjenjivosti i upotrebljivosti u analizama svih perioda životnog vijeka. Za realizaciju proračuna razvijen je programski paket za izračunavanje alociranog inteziteta otkaza i pouzdanosti.
- СтавкаANALYSIS OF GEAR RATIOS OF TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF CYCLOID DRIVE TRAIN(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2022) Tica, Milan; Mačkić, Tihomir; Marjanović, Nenad; Troha, Sanjin; Milutinović, Miroslav; Golubović, Dušan; Milutinović, Miroslav; Prodanović, SašaThe cyclo drive train is a special variant of the planetary drive train, where the planets are gears with a cycloid profile, while rollers are placed on the central gears (wheels). An analysis of the gear ratios of two types of cycloid drive train was performed. The first type is a classic cycloid drive train, while the second is a special variant with stepped planets. The cycloid drive with stepped planets can achieve very large gear ratios, while using central gears with a relatively small number of rollers.
- СтавкаANALYSIS OF HEAT TRANSFER THROUGH THE BEAM SUPPORT OF THE WAGON STRUCTURE CALCULATED BY SOFTWARE PAK MULTYPHISICS(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo, 2012) Nikolić, Aleksandar; Blagojević, Milan; Milovanović, Vladimir; Živković, Miroslav; Milutinović, Miroslav; Antunović, RankoPaper deals with heat transfer through beam supports of wagon structure for transportation of hot steel ingots. It is well known that changing of the material properties at high temperatures leading to reduced carrying capacity of structures. Therefore, it is necessary to know the temperature distribution in the carrying element to avoid disturbing the integrity of construction. Basic equations which governs the problem of heat transfer in terms of finite element method (FEM) are presented taking into account the initial and boundary conditions. Heat transfer through beam supports of wagon structure for transportation of hot steel ingots is solved by software PAK Multyphisics. It is shown that the temperature of carrying elements is slightly elevated, which does not affect the normal operation of wagon construction.
- СтавкаAnalysis of the wind effect on the mechanical structures in the case of the four-side sunshade(2019) Marković, Biljana; Krajišnik, Milija; Đurić, AleksijaThis paper presents the analysis of the wind effect of four-side sunshade construction. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the possibility of applying analogy in research, with examples from civil constructions, in order to simplify and reduce the analysis. The paper presents the analytical calculation of the pressure on the sides of the four-sided sunshade, analogously to the calculation of pressure on the four-sided roofs of civil construction objects.
- СтавкаAnalysis of tribological damages of plain bearings(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-17) Sovilj-Nikić, Sandra; Sovilj, Bogdan; Varga, Gyula; Antunović, Ranko; Ungureanu, Nicolae; GREBENIȘAN, Gavril; PELE, Alexandru-ViorelTribological processes and failure of plain bearings significantly affect the availability, adaptability, reliability and productivity of modern technology, maintenance costs, energy costs and the costs of modern production. The research of tribological processes and failure of plain bearings should indicate the possible causes and the necessary measures to be applied in order to reduce the tribological processes and failure of plain bearings. In this paper, possible causes of tribological processes and failure of plain bearings were analyzed. Having in mind the most important causes of tribological processes and failure, a proposal for monitoring the condition is given.
- СтавкаAPPLICATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN TERMS OF ECONOMIC, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY(ADEKO (Association for design, elements and structures); Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Montenegro, 2017) JOKANOVIĆ, Mirjana; GOLUBOVIĆ, Dušan; ŠUPIĆ, Blagoje; KOPRIVICA, AleksandraWe are witnesses of everyday changes, which can bring the world into the question of survival. On the other hand, the progress and the speed of changes are the keys of success. What is important is that we have to change the human being’s life, due to the concept of the sustainable development, which includes three dimensions: ecology, economy and social aspect. This paper gives the analysis of using the renewable energy, through the production of the electricity, including the sustainable development. Through research, attention was paid to analyzing the growth in the share of renewable energy in electricity production, as well as incentives to use renewable energy sources, in the area of Republic of Srpska.
- СтавкаASPEKTI ENERGIJSKE EFIKASNOSTI U SISTEMIMA VODOSNABDIJEVANJA(Društvo za robotiku u Bosni i Hercegovini, 2016-05) Orašanin, Goran; Golubović, Dušan; Milić, Davor; Pajkić, Jovana; Doleček, Vlatko; Karabegović, Isak; Pašić, SeadWater systems use significant amounts of energy to the abstraction, treatment, transport and distribution of drinking water to consumers. It is not uncommon for waterwork companies to use a lot more energy than is necessary for the functioning of the water supply system. As a result, even relatively small increases in energy efficiency can contribute to the financial benefits of waterworks companies. The paper presents aspects, i. e. the possibilities of improving energy efficiency of water supply systems in each phase of water supply.
- СтавкаBuilding Capacities for Sustainable Energy in Municipalities of Western Balkans(Instituut vóór Duurzame Ontwikkeling vzw, 2016) Kordas, Olga; Pasichnyi, Oleksii; Pereverza, Kateryna; Mulder, Karel; Segalas, Jordi Coral; Tejedor, Gemma; Ivezić, Dejan; Živković, Marija; Babić, Milun; Končalović, Davor; Gvero, Petar; Vasković, Srđan; Vujadinović, Radoje; Nikiforovich, EugeneThis paper discusses challenges of capacity building in sustainable urban energy planning and development in Western Balkan Countries (WBC). It identifies needs in training of municipal staff and addresses obstacles for transferring sustainable energy education from EU universities to universities of WBC. The analysis of the ten training courses developed and piloted in collaboration with academic and non-academic stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia shows that while international cooperation has a good potential to improve quality of capacity building and to catalyse university-society collaboration in WBC, significant efforts on national and local (university) levels are needed to fully capitalise on these opportunities. In particular, it is necessary to enhance an interdisciplinary approach to education in sustainable energy, incorporating economic, social and institutional aspects of energy production and consumption together with the technical ones. On the national level, the lifelong learning system should get political and financial support in WBC to ensure efficiency and continuity of the training activities.
- СтавкаCOMPARATIVE ANALYSIS COMPETENCIES IN TRADITIONAL AND AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACHES(Mašinski fakultet Istočno Sarajevo, Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2022) Savković, Marija; Komatina, Nikola; Nestić, Snežana; Gojković, Ranka; Golubović, Dušan; Milutinović, Miroslav; Prodanović, SašaIn order for the project to be successfully implemented, each individual involved in the project must possess appropriate competencies and skills. Competencies/skills have a great influence when assembling the project team itself and when deciding on the inclusion of new members in the existing project team. In particular, the competencies and skills of the project manager have an impact on the successful realization of the project's goals. The members of the project team must possess certain competencies/skills in order to successfully cooperate with each other and to successfully implement the tasks assigned to them. The main goal of this research paper is a comparative review and analysis of competencies/skills in traditional and agile project management approaches. Also, the paper highlights the roles, responsibilities and powers of each team member, both in the traditional and in the agile approach.
- СтавкаComparing the accuracy of 3D slicer software in printed enduse parts(2019) Šljivić, Milan; Pavlović, Ana; Kraišnik, Milija; Ilić, JovicaThis study aims to compare the accuracy offered by 3D Slicer Software in printing end-use parts inside a Fused Deposition Modeling process of Additive Manufacturing. The purpose, in particular, is to investigate the surface quality and the dimensional stability of the manufactured parts comparing the effect of selecting a different 3D Slicer tool among Simplify3D, Cura and Slic3r 3D. With this scope, parts were produced using these process tools while results were analysed in terms of accuracy, production time and consumption of material. Results, graphically and visually presented, show significant differences in the dimensional and surface accuracy with an optimum outcome offered by the Simplify3D as best 3D slicer tool. The Simplify3D slicer has essential advantages in printed end-use parts because creates the 3D models with significantly better accuracy and quality support.
- СтавкаCOMPARING THE ACCURACY OF MASTER MODEL AND THEIR REPLICAS PRODUCED BY RAPID TOOLING USING VACUUM CASTING(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2019) Kraišnik, Milija; Ilić, Jovica; Jotić, Goran; Mačkić, Tihomir; Anić, Jelica; Gvero, Petar; Prochaska, BiljanaIn this paper we compared the accuracy of an original master model which was used to make the silicone mold and mold cavity and its replicas obtained by the vacuum casting technology. This technology allows us to create small batches of parts based on the master model in a relatively short time. The aim of the paper is to compare the accuracy of replicas produced with the OEM part using a reversible engineering technique, that is, CAD to part.
- СтавкаCOMPARISON OF TWO MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR CONTROL SYSTEM OF LEVEL IN CONDENSER OF TURBINE IN THE THERMAL POWER PLANT(International ConferenceProcess Technology And Environmental Protection, 2011-12) Prodanović, Saša; Nedić, Novak; Filipović, VojislavThis paper shows large importance of adequate mathematical modeling of system. Control system of level in condenser of turbine in thermal power plant Gacko is taken into exploration. Here it was presented in two ways, as first-order system and second-order system. Their analysis and comparison were carried out after auto-tuning of PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller using relay feedback test simulation. Obtained parameters of PID controller were applied into both variations of the system block diagram and its responses have been utilized for giving evaluation of researched models.
- СтавкаCONSIDERATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF USING OZONE IN THE TREATMENT OF DRINKING WATER IN THE "TILAVA" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, 2021) Blagojević, Jovana; Orašanin, Goran; Simić, StojanIn Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the countries in the region, chlorine and its compounds are mainly used as a disinfectant in the process of purifying drinking water. It is a well-known fact that the reaction of chlorine and organic matter in water creates carcinogenic compounds, trihalomethanes, which can negatively affect the health of the population if they are consumed for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to look for an alternative for chlorine. This paper discusses the possibility of using ozone in the treatment of drinking water in the "Tilava" water supply system.
- СтавкаCONSIDERATION OF THE POSSIBILITY OF USING OZONE IN THE TREATMENT OF DRINKING WATER IN THE "TILAVA" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM(Springer Natur, 2021) Blagojević, Jovana; Orašanin, Goran; Simić, Stojan; Karabegović, Isak; Kovačević, Ahmed; Pašić, Sead; Mandžuka, SadkoIn Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the countries in the region, chlorine and its compounds are mainly used as a disinfectant in the process of purifying drinking water. It is a well-known fact that the reaction of chlorine and organic matter in water creates carcinogenic compounds, trihalomethanes, which can negatively affect the health of the population if they are consumed for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to look for an alternative for chlorine. This paper discusses the possibility of using ozone in the treatment of drinking water in the "Tilava" water supply system.