Машински факултет [Конференције] / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [Conference paper]
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Сада се приказује 1 - 5 од 111
- СтавкаOPTIMAL CONTROL OF A TWO-WHEELED SELF-BALANCING MOBILE ROBOT BASED ON ADAPTIVE DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2024-11) Stojanović, Vladimir; Đorđević, Vladimir; Dubonjić, Ljubiša; Prodanović, Saša; Marković, Biljana; Milutinović, Miroslav; Milić, DavorThis paper considers optimal tracking control for a two-wheeled selfbalancing mobile robot with unknown dynamics. The aim is to achieve asymptotic tracking and disturbance rejection by minimizing some predefined performance index. Through the combination of adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) and internal model principle, an approximate optimal controller is iteratively learned online using measurable input/output data. Unmeasurable states are also reconstructed from input/output data. The discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation is iteratively solved by ADP approach. Simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
- СтавкаVodovodni sistemi i cirkularna ekonomija(Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade, 2024) Orašanin, Goran; Marinović, Budimirka; Đukić, AleksandarПримјена циркуларне економије у водоводним системима се у последње вријеме све више истражује. Врше се конкретни експерименти као и практична примјена у индустрији са циљем уштеде трошкова, производње енергије те производње материје и енергије из процеса третмана отпадних вода. С тим у вези, овај рад има за циљ да идентификује неке од мјера које водоводна предузећа могу предузимати у циљу одрживости и смањења утицаја на животну средину. У раду је дат кратак преглед могућности водоводног предузећа крод дјеловање на воду, материју и енергију.
- СтавкаTEHNIČKI ASPEKTI KORIŠĆENJA OKLASKA KUKURUZA ZA DOBIJANJE TOPLOTNE ENERGIJE(Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Društvo za procesnu tehniku, 2024) Simić, Stojan; Milić, Davor; Orašanin, Goran; Karličić, Nikola; Obradović, Marko; Stanojević, Miroslav; Jovović, AleksandarU poljoprivredi postoje velike količine biljnih ostataka koje se mogu koristiti za proizvodnju energije.Poljoprivrednu biomasu čine ostaci jednogodišnjih kultura kao što su: slama žitarica, ku-kuruzovina, oklasak kukuruza, stabljika, ljuska, koštice i dr. Oklasak kukuruza je nusproizvod koji nastaje prilikom korišćenja kukuruza. U radu se sa više aspekata razmatra upotreba kukuruznog oklaska kao goriva u pećima i kotlovima. Provedena istraživanja pokazuju da je primena ovog otpad-nog materijala prihvatljiva sa više aspekata za proizvodnju toplotne energije.
- СтавкаCOMPARING THE ACCURACY OF MASTER MODEL AND THEIR REPLICAS PRODUCED BY RAPID TOOLING USING VACUUM CASTING(Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, 2019) Kraišnik, Milija; Ilić, Jovica; Jotić, Goran; Mačkić, Tihomir; Anić, Jelica; Gvero, Petar; Prochaska, BiljanaIn this paper we compared the accuracy of an original master model which was used to make the silicone mold and mold cavity and its replicas obtained by the vacuum casting technology. This technology allows us to create small batches of parts based on the master model in a relatively short time. The aim of the paper is to compare the accuracy of replicas produced with the OEM part using a reversible engineering technique, that is, CAD to part.
- СтавкаDISSIMILAR WELDING OF ALUMINUM ALLOYS 2024 T351 AND 6082 T6 BY TIG PROCESS(Sveučilište u Slavonskom Brodu, Strojarski fakultet, Društvo za tehniku zavarivanja Slavonski Brod, 2023) Milčić, Dragan; Milčić, Miodrag; Vuherer, Tomaž; Đurić, Aleksija; Mitić, Dragan; Radovanović, AndrejaThe aim of this work is to study the metallurgical and mechanical properties of dissimilar assemblies of 2024 T351 and 6082 T6 aluminum alloy by the TIG process. Aluminum alloy 6082 T6 is well weldable by classical fusion welding processes (MIG and TIG), while aluminum alloy 2024-T351 is almost non-weldable. Base metals were sheets with a thickness of 8 mm. The assembly of the plates was carried out by filler wire of an aluminum alloy type 4043A (AlSi5) with 2 mm of diameter. For the welding of these two Al alloys by TIG welding process in argon a shielding gas. The microstructural evolution across the welded joint dissimilar AA6082-T6 to AA2024-T351 aluminum alloy was characterized using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The hardness welded joint is the smallest in the melted area and the biggest on the side of 2024 alloy in HAZ. The fracture surface section of the tensile specimen is in the HAZ zone on the BM side - 6082-T6. The tensile strength of the welded joint is 166 MPa compared to 310 MPa for alloy 6082-T6 which is a weaker welded joint material, i.e. the reduction is about two times.