Факултет физичког васпитања и спорта [Научни радови] / Faculty of Physical Education and Sport [Scientific papers]
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- СтавкаVegetative regulation of vascular tone and features of the nervous system of pedagogical universities students. Is there a relationship with professional specialization?(H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 2023) Kozin, Oleksii; Kozina, Zhanneta; Cretu, Marian; Boychuk, Yurii; Pavlovic, Ratko; Garmash, Iryna; Berezhna, YaroslavaPurpose. To select recommendations on the use of physical culture means for students of future teachers, it is necessary to identify their functional features and genetically determined properties of the nervous system. Purpose: to reveal the relationship between the performance of the nervous system, orthostatic test and professional specialization of students of pedagogical universities. Material and methods. Students from 9 different faculties of Ukraine's leading pedagogical institute took part in the study. The total number of subjects was 841 people. Soon the reactions were determined by the program "Psychodiagnostics". Vegetative regulation of vascular tone were determined by the results of heart rate different between in the in the standing position and supine position. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the Duncan method was then conducted to determine the influence of the faculty of education on the testing indicators.. A correlation analysis of testing indicators and ranks of faculties was carried out using the Tau-b Kendall method. Results. Students of all experimental faculties were divided into 4 groups according to the number of errors in the choice reaction test based on the results of variance analysis (Duncan method). Faculties were divided into ranks from the first to the fourth. A significant negative correlation of the rank of the faculty according to the indicator of the strength and speed of nervous processes with the heart rate in the standing position (p<0.05) and the difference between the heart rate in the standing and lying positions (p<0.01) was revealed. Conclusions. The results obtained are new in identifying differences in psychophysiological functions and orthostatic reactions among students of pedagogical universities of different faculties; also on the fact of the presence of a correlation between the rank of the faculty in terms of stability and strength of the nervous system of students and the features of their psychophysiological functions and orthostatic reactions. The new facts obtained in this study are the distribution of students into 4 groups according to the stability and strength of the nervous system (from the lowest values to the highest): group 1 - students of the faculties of primary and preschool education, group 2 - students of humanitarian faculties, group 3 - students of the faculty Arts, group 4 - students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports. Also new is the fact of revealing a significant negative correlation between indicators of mobility (reaction rate) and the stability of the nervous system (the number of errors when performing a reaction rate test) in students of pedagogical universities. It is expedient to use physical exercises in accordance with the professional characteristics and personal inclinations of students, who were divided into 4 groups according to the indicators of reaction speed and orthostatic test.
- СтавкаEFFECTS OF TACTICAL GAME+ENCOURAGEMENT ON IMPROVE DECISION MAKING AND SKILL EXECUTION IN BASKETBALL ATHLETES(Asociacion Canaria de Psicologia del Deporte, 2023) Rusmana, Ruslan; Sulaiman, Iman; Rihatno, Taufik; Chaniago, Herman; Samsudin; Asmawi, Moch; Wiradihardja, Sudradjat; Bahtiar, Bahtiar; Supriad, Dedi; Alexe, Dan Iulian; Gazali, Novri; Pavlović, Ratko; Setiawan, EdiThis study aims to investigate the effect of TG+E on increasing DM and SE among basketball athletes through true experimental research with a 12 week randomized controlled trial design. The participants involved basketball athletes from the Pasundan Teacher Training and Education College (Indonesia), totaling forty people. Participants were allocated in TG+E (n = 20) and CG (n = 20) groups. The instruments for measuring DM and SE were direct observation and camera recording. Non-parameteric with the Mann–Whitney U test was chosen for analysis between TG+E and CG in the initial-test and final-test. The results of this study showed significant differences in all DM and SE variables in TG+E from initial-test until final-test related to Inside shooting (p < 0.05), Outer shooting (p < 0.05), Passing to zone (p < 0.05), 6.25 m passing (p < 0.05), Far passing (p < 0.05) and Dribbling to zone (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, in CG the differences only occurred in DM and SE which was related to Passing to zone (p < 0.05), 6.25 m passing (p < 0.05), and there was no difference in other aspects. Thus, we emphasize TG+E as an alternative and training solution to improve the quality of DM and SE among basketball athletes.
- СтавкаMAPPING RESEARCH ON LEARNING MEDIA IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF PAST FINDINGS AND FUTURE RESEARCH AGENDA(Asociacion Canaria de Psicologia del Deporte, 2023) Ridwan, Mochamad; Setiawan, Edi; Prima Putra, Miftah Fariz; Gazali, Novri; Bjelica, Bojan; Karimi, Amir; Whinata Kardiyanto, Deddy; Kurtoğlu, AhmetThe aim of this research is to map research literature on learning media in physical education over two decades. This study uses meta-data from the Scopus repository, retrieved using relevant keywords and extracted in terms of field development, productivity, collaborative networks and thematic structure in the field. We analyzed the data in VOSviewer and Biblioshiny software. A total of 265 documents/articles were published in the Scopus database in the period 2000-2022. Based on publications in the Scopus database, the findings show that: (1) academic interest in physical education learning media in the first decade tended to fluctuate and began to increase in the last decade; (2) Most publications are written by researchers spread across various countries, although most research is still published by a small number of authors and countries; (3) there is a noteworthy level of scientific collaboration in this field, where there is no collaboration between co-authorship clusters; (5) The conceptual dynamics of the literature reveal the multidimensionality of this topic of inquiry. Our significant contribution is the explanation of past findings relevant to current research that offers interesting insights into the evolution of the field of instructional media in physical education. These findings suggest the need for more interdisciplinary studies and broader collaboration of authors between countries.
- СтавкаMuscle Contractile PropertiesMeasured by the Tensiomyography (TMG)Method in Top-Level Football Players of Different Playing Positions: The Case of Serbian Super League(MDPI, 2023) Pajović, Lazar; Toskić, Lazar; Stanković, Veroljub; Lilić, Ljubiša; Cicović, BorislavThe aim of this study is to investigate the differences in muscle contractile properties measured by the TMG method between top-level football players of different playing positions. The sample consisted of 57 football players from the Serbian Super League, divided into three groups: defenders—DF, midfielders—MF, and forwards—FW. Muscles included in the study were the Rectus Femoris (RF), Vastus Medialis (VM), Vastus Lateralis (VL), Biceps Femoris (BF), and Semitendinosus (ST) of the right (R) and left (L) leg. The TMG parameters used in this study were contraction time (Tc), delay time (Td), relaxation time (Tr), maximal displacement (Dm), and sustain time (Ts). The ANOVA results showed that differences in TMG parameters between top-level football players of different playing positions are small and exist only in the Tr of RF (F = 4.658, p = 0.014), BF (F = 4.433, p = 0.016), and ST muscle (F = 3.808, p = 0.028), and the Tc (F = 3.214, p = 0.048) and Td (F = 3.705, p = 0.031) of the VM muscle. All differences were detected between DF and FW players, and all differences were in the left (non-dominant) leg. The results obtained in this study indicate that the training and selection process in football, from the aspect of functional and mechanical muscle properties, should be similar for all players, regardless of playing position. It has been shown that TMG has relatively low sensitive strength for detecting differences between football players of different playing positions.
- СтавкаAdaptation of the SAGEFS scale on attitudes toward gender equality in football in the international school context(Frontiers Media SA, 2024) Méndez-Hinojosa, Luz Marina; Gil-Madrona, Pedro; Zamorano-García, David; Simón-Piqueras, Juan Ángel; Padierna-Cardona, Juan Carlos; Flores-Ferro, Elizabeth; González-Villalobos, Martín Francisco; Pavlovic, Ratko; Maureira-Cid, Fernando; Gómez-Santos, Natalia; Morales-Calvo, Sonia; Cárdenas-Rodríguez, MagalyThe objective of the present study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Scale of Attitudes toward Gender Equality in Football in the Context of Schools (SAGEFS) in the international context. This sample was formed by N = 6,101 students. The study was conducted by applying the SAGEFS. The model of the three factors correlated in the complete sample and for each country was correlated using AFC. The structural model was appraised by employing eight indices: the relative Chi-squared index; the goodness of fit index and its adjusted formula; the normal fit index; the comparative fit index; the standardized Quadratic Mean; and the Quadratic Mean Error of Approximation. To conclude, the results evidence the presence of psychometric properties that are indispensable for the measurement of attitudes toward gender equality in the context of schools.