Филозофски факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Philosophy [Scientific papers]
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- СтавкаModelling ofWildfire Susceptibility in Different Climate Zones in Montenegro Using GIS-MCDA(MDPI, 2023) Nikolić, Gojko; Vujović, Filip; Golijanin, Jelena; Šiljeg, Ante; Valjarević, AleksandarMontenegro has different influences on the weather and climate; in general, according to Köppen’s classification, there are two climate zones: warm temperate (C) and cold temperate (D). The aim of this study is to determine the susceptibility to wildfires in the Montenegrin coastal municipality of Budva and the northern municipality of Rožaje, which are located in different climatic conditions, using multicriteria GIS decision analysis (GIS-MCDA). Nine natural and anthropogenic criteria were used for the analysis. Open geospatial data were used as input data for all criteria. The assignment of weighting coefficients for the criteria in relation to wildfire susceptibility importance was based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) procedures. The results for the AHP and F-AHP models were obtained using theWeighted Linear Combination (WLC) method. According to the AHP model, the very high and high category covers 80.93% of the total area in Budva and 80.65% in Rožaje. According to the F-AHP model, the very high and high category occupies 80.71% of the total area in Budva and 82.30% in Rožaje. The validation shows that the models of GIS-MCDA perform fair in both climatic zones. The proposed models, especially in the absence of geospatial data, can be a strategic and operational advantage in the development of plans and strategies for protection against wildfires.
- СтавкаMORPHOLOGICAL PRODUCTIVITY OF ADJECTIVEFORMING PREFIXES IN ENGLISH AT THE LEVEL OF WORD-FORMATION RULES(Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for the Serbian Language, Belgrade , Serbia, 2023) Žarković Mccray, Maja M.This paper studies the morphological productivity of adjective-forming prefixes at the level of word-formation rules. The productivity at the aforementioned level is the union of the productivity at the level of word-formation types and morphological types. The aim of the paper is to offer pieces of information on the interaction of different concepts within different word-formation types together with the morphological aspect through different morphological types. We find 267 examples of adjectives and analyse 31 prefixes interacting with various simple or complex adjectives in the corpus comprised of news, literary, academic and TV registers. After analytic, descriptive and statistical methods, we conclude that they fall into 5 different conceptual categories, i.e., wordformation type clusters (Quality, Location, Quantity, Time and State). The majority of clusters show that the stem is determining the conceptual category while prefixes refine it. The highest productivity rates are recorded with such word-formation types. The only exceptions are Quantity and Time where the conceptual category depends on the prefixes and stems equally. The results from the morphological analyses show that most of the prefixes are inserting additional semantic pieces of information, usually recording the highest PR and not changing the conceptual category of the stem and appearing within one or multiple clusters, with exceptions for Quantity and Time.
- СтавкаLong-Term Assessment of Bioclimatic Conditions at Micro and Local Scales in the Cities of theWestern Part of the Balkan Peninsula during the 21st Century(MDPI, 2023) Ðurđević, Dejana; Vasić, Milica; Ogrin, Matej; Savić, Stevan; Milošević, Dragan; Dunjić, Jelena; Šećerov, Ivan; Žgela, Matej; Boras, Marijana; Herceg Bulić, Ivana; Pecelj, Milica; Šušnjar, Sanda; Lukić, Milica; Ivanišević, Marko; Trbić, Goran; Ćulafić, Golub; Mitrović, LukaThermal comfort assessments at local or micro-scales within urban areas can provide crucial insights for the urban adaptation strategies pertaining to climate-conscious urban planning and public health. However, the availability of long-term or mid-term daily or hourly meteorological data sets from urban environments remains a significant challenge even in the 21st century. Consequently, this study aimed to assess the thermal conditions in cities across the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, encompassing five countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro), by utilizing the Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) index. Meteorological data sets, comprising air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and cloudiness, were collected from 32 national meteorological stations/measurement locations spanning the period from 2001 to 2020. The PET calculations were conducted based on meteorological data measured three times per day (7 a.m., 2 p.m., and 9 p.m.). Upon conducting a spatial analysis of the meteorological stations, it was observed that most of them (25 stations) were situated within built-up areas or urban suburbs, rendering them highly relevant for local or micro-scale climate and bioclimate assessments. The findings revealed that urban locations exhibited slightly higher PET heat stress levels, particularly during the summer season and at 2 p.m. Moreover, higher average PET values were observed in both urban and non-urban stations situated within a continental climate during warmer periods, such as summer. In contrast, during the colder seasons, namely winter and spring, higher PET values were prevalent in the Mediterranean region. Furthermore, the PET frequency analysis revealed a greater prevalence of extreme and severe heat stress levels in stations within continental climates, particularly those located in urban areas, as compared to stations in Mediterranean climates. In contrast, during the winter and spring seasons, monitoring stations in close proximity to the Adriatic Sea, characterized by a Mediterranean climate, exhibited significantly lower levels of cold stress compared to inland stations. Evidently, in addition to the climatic characteristics and surrounding terrain, the urban morphology significantly impacts the thermal conditions within cities.
- СтавкаKAKO SE TOP-DJEVOJKE PRETVARAJU U HITLERINE? FEMINISTIČKO-SOCIJALISTIČKA ANALIZA DRAME KERIL ČERČIL TOP DJEVOJKE (1982)(Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti i Institut za srpski jezik SANU, 2023) Ognjenović, Svjetlana R.Drama Top-djevojke važi za jednu od najznačajnijih, najizvođenijih, najviše izučavanih i tumačenih drama britanskog modernog teatra. Najveći broj interpretacija ove drame oslanja se na feminističku teoriju i uglavnom tumači dramu iz perspektive razdora između radikalnog i liberalnog feminizma, o čemu će i u ovom radu biti riječi. Ipak, mi ćemo posebnu pažnju pokloniti temi povezanosti između patrijarhata i kapitalizma, kao i oskudnim opcijama za žene unutar ova dva represivna sistema. Da bismo postigli svoj cilj i pokazali kako djeluje kapitalistički patrijarhat, kako je sadejstvo gornja dva sistema nazvala Zila Ajzenstajn, osim na njen rad, pozivaćemo se i na članke Linde Gordon, Nensi Čodorov, Hajdi Hartman i Eve Figes. Cilj nam je da pokažemo da se društveni status i životni standard žena ne mogu i ne smiju ravnati sa relativno rijetkim uspjehom pojedinačnih žena, kao što su protagonistkinja ovog komada Marlin ili njena junakinja iz stvarnog života Margaret Tačer, koje su morale prigrliti tradicionalne muške i kapitalističke vrijednosti takmičarskog duha i sebičnosti da bi ostvarile svoj sumnjivi uspjeh. U radu ćemo pokazati da prisvajanje moći od strane žena ne znači ništa ukoliko ta žena ne mari za interese slabijih i nemoćnih i da njen status top-djevojke, pod ovakvim okolnostima, nikako ne može da predstavlja feminističku pobjedu.
- СтавкаMaker–Breaker domination number for Cartesian products of path graphs P2 and Pn(Maison de l'informatique et des mathematiques discretes, 2023) Forcan, Jovana; Qi, JiayueWe study the Maker–Breaker domination game played by Dominator and Staller on the vertex set of a given graph. Dominator wins when the vertices he has claimed form a dominating set of the graph. Staller wins if she makes it impossible for Dominator to win, or equivalently, she is able to claim some vertex and all its neighbours. Maker– Breaker domination number γMB(G) (γ′ M B(G)) of a graph G is defined to be the minimum number of moves for Dominator to guarantee his winning when he plays first (second). We investigate these two invariants for the Cartesian product of any two graphs. We obtain upper bounds for the Maker–Breaker domination number of the Cartesian product of two arbitrary graphs. Also, we give upper bounds for the Maker–Breaker domination number of the Cartesian product of the complete graph with two vertices and an arbitrary graph. Most importantly, we prove that γ′ M B(P2□Pn) = n for n ≥ 1, γMB(P2□Pn) equals n, n − 1, n − 2, for 1 ≤ n ≤ 4, 5 ≤ n ≤ 12, and n ≥ 13, respectively. For the disjoint union of P2□Pns, we show that γ′ M B(˙∪k i=1(P2□Pn)i) = k · n (n ≥ 1), and that γMB(˙∪k i=1(P2□Pn)i) equals k · n, k · n − 1, k · n − 2 for 1 ≤ n ≤ 4, 5 ≤ n ≤ 12, and n ≥ 13, respectively.