Филозофски факултет [Научни радови] / Faculty of Philosophy [Scientific papers]

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    (Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti i Institut za srpski jezik SANU, 2023) Ognjenović, Svjetlana R.
    Drama Top-djevojke važi za jednu od najznačajnijih, najizvođenijih, najviše izučavanih i tumačenih drama britanskog modernog teatra. Najveći broj interpretacija ove drame oslanja se na feminističku teoriju i uglavnom tumači dramu iz perspektive razdora između radikalnog i liberalnog feminizma, o čemu će i u ovom radu biti riječi. Ipak, mi ćemo posebnu pažnju pokloniti temi povezanosti između patrijarhata i kapitalizma, kao i oskudnim opcijama za žene unutar ova dva represivna sistema. Da bismo postigli svoj cilj i pokazali kako djeluje kapitalistički patrijarhat, kako je sadejstvo gornja dva sistema nazvala Zila Ajzenstajn, osim na njen rad, pozivaćemo se i na članke Linde Gordon, Nensi Čodorov, Hajdi Hartman i Eve Figes. Cilj nam je da pokažemo da se društveni status i životni standard žena ne mogu i ne smiju ravnati sa relativno rijetkim uspjehom pojedinačnih žena, kao što su protagonistkinja ovog komada Marlin ili njena junakinja iz stvarnog života Margaret Tačer, koje su morale prigrliti tradicionalne muške i kapitalističke vrijednosti takmičarskog duha i sebičnosti da bi ostvarile svoj sumnjivi uspjeh. U radu ćemo pokazati da prisvajanje moći od strane žena ne znači ništa ukoliko ta žena ne mari za interese slabijih i nemoćnih i da njen status top-djevojke, pod ovakvim okolnostima, nikako ne može da predstavlja feminističku pobjedu.
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    Maker–Breaker domination number for Cartesian products of path graphs P2 and Pn
    (Maison de l'informatique et des mathematiques discretes, 2023) Forcan, Jovana; Qi, Jiayue
    We study the Maker–Breaker domination game played by Dominator and Staller on the vertex set of a given graph. Dominator wins when the vertices he has claimed form a dominating set of the graph. Staller wins if she makes it impossible for Dominator to win, or equivalently, she is able to claim some vertex and all its neighbours. Maker– Breaker domination number γMB(G) (γ′ M B(G)) of a graph G is defined to be the minimum number of moves for Dominator to guarantee his winning when he plays first (second). We investigate these two invariants for the Cartesian product of any two graphs. We obtain upper bounds for the Maker–Breaker domination number of the Cartesian product of two arbitrary graphs. Also, we give upper bounds for the Maker–Breaker domination number of the Cartesian product of the complete graph with two vertices and an arbitrary graph. Most importantly, we prove that γ′ M B(P2□Pn) = n for n ≥ 1, γMB(P2□Pn) equals n, n − 1, n − 2, for 1 ≤ n ≤ 4, 5 ≤ n ≤ 12, and n ≥ 13, respectively. For the disjoint union of P2□Pns, we show that γ′ M B(˙∪k i=1(P2□Pn)i) = k · n (n ≥ 1), and that γMB(˙∪k i=1(P2□Pn)i) equals k · n, k · n − 1, k · n − 2 for 1 ≤ n ≤ 4, 5 ≤ n ≤ 12, and n ≥ 13, respectively.
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    Thermal assessments at local and micro scales during hot summer days: a case study of Belgrade (Serbia)
    (2024) Savić, Stevan; Milovanović, Boško; Milošević, Dragan; Dunjić, Jelena; Pecelj, Milica; Lukić, Milica; Ostojić, Miloš; Fekete, Renata
    Increasing thermal risk in cities is endangering the health and well-being of urban population and is driven by climate change and intensive urbanization. Therefore, if we plan to enlarge the capacities of cities to be more climate resilient in the 21st century, more detailed monitoring of urban climate on local and micro scales is needed. For this research we performed two microclimate measurement campaigns in urban area of Belgrade, during hot summer days in 2021. In total, five measurement sites were chosen in different urban designs and different local climate zones (LCZs). For thermal monitoring (air temperature – Ta and globe temperature – Tg) the Kestrel heat stress tracker sensor with 1-min measurement resolution was used, but we used 10-min average values. Obtained results showed distinct thermal differences (up to 7 °C on average) between densely built-up areas and green areas. Differences between built-up LCZs are lower with values from 2 to 4 °C. Important part of this research was microclimate monitoring on sites within the same LCZ (intra-LCZ variability). Results showed that shadows and short- and longwave radiation play a paramount role in thermal variability. Direct and reflected radiations on one measurement site increased Ta up to 6 °C and Tg up to 12 °C when compared to other measurement site (in a similar urban design), which was in the shadow.
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    Long Term Monitoring and Connection between Topography and Cloud Cover Distribution in Serbia
    (MDPI, 2021) Valjarević, Aleksandar; Morar, Cezar; Živković, Jelena; Niemets, Liudmyla; Kićović, Dušan; Golijanin, Jelena; Gocić, Milena; Martić Bursać, Nataša; Stričević, Ljiljana; Žiberna, Igor; Bačević, Nikola; Milevski, Ivica; Durlević, Uroš; Lukić, Tin
    The use of weather satellite recordings has been growing rapidly over the last three decades. Determining the patterns between meteorological and topographical features is an important scientific job. Cloud cover analysis and properties can be of the utmost significance for potential cloud seeding. Here, the analysis of the cloud properties was conducted by means of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite recordings. The resolution of used data was 1 km2 within the period of 30 years (1989–2019). This research showed moderate changing of cloudiness in the territory of Serbia with a high cloudiness in February, followed by cloudiness in January and November. For the past three decades, May has been the month with the highest cloudiness. The regions in the east and south-west, and particularly in the west, have a high absolute cloudiness, which is connected with the high elevation of the country. By means of long term monitoring, the whole territory of Serbia was analyzed for the first time, in terms of cloudiness. Apart from the statistical and numerical results obtained, this research showed a connection between relief and clouds, especially in the winter season. Linear regression MK (Mann-Kendall test) has proven this theory right, connecting high elevation sides with high absolute cloudiness through the year.
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    Assessment of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Serbia’s Urban Environments during Different Seasons
    (MDPI, 2021) Lukić, Milica; Filipović, Dejan; Pecelj, Milica; Crnogorac, Ljiljana; Lukić, Bogdan; Divjak, Lazar; Lukić, Ana; Vučićević, Ana
    The urban microclimate is gradually changing due to climate change, extreme weather conditions, urbanization, and the heat island effect. In such an altered environment, outdoor thermal comfort can have a strong impact on public health and quality of life in urban areas. In this study, three main urban areas in Serbia were selected: Belgrade (Central Serbia), Novi Sad (Northern Serbia), and Niš (Southern Serbia). The focus was on the temporal assessment of OTC, using the UTCI over a period of 20 years (1999–2018) during different seasons. The main aim is the general estimation of the OTC of Belgrade, Novi Sad, and Niš, in order to gain better insight into the bioclimatic condition, current trends and anomalies that have occurred. The analysis was conducted based on an hourly (7 h, 14 h, and 21 h CET) and “day by day” meteorological data set. Findings show the presence of a growing trend in seasonal UTCI anomalies, especially during summer and spring. In addition, there is a notable increase in the number of days above the defined UTCI thresholds for each season. Average annual UTCIs values also show a positive, rising trend, ranging from 0.50 C to 1.33 C. The most significant deviations from the average UTCI values, both seasonal and annual, were recorded in 2000, 2007, 2012, 2015, 2017, and 2018.